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In school, Finn stood at his locker watching Rachel at hers.

"She's single now, remember?" Quinn said as she walked over to Finn.

"What?" Finn asked.

"Rachel." Quinn replied, looking down the hall at the petite brunette.

Finn nodded slowly. "Well, right now we all need to focus on Regionals. And winning."

"And we will." Quinn nodded back. "So you can stop worrying about that and start focusing on other things."

"Like?" Finn asked.

Quinn gave Finn a look.

"Godfather, right." Finn replied.

"Puck is your best friend." Quinn reminded Finn. "And you guys kind of made up, didn't you?"

"Kind of." Finn repeated.

"So what's stopping you from saying yes?" Quinn asked.

"Well, every time I try to think about it, you or Puck ask me if I made a decision." Finn began.

"Sorry." Quinn apologized. "We just need an answer before she's here, but I won't bother you about it, and I'll talk to Puck, too."

"Thanks." Finn replied.

Quinn nodded and started to walk away.

"Hey, Quinn?" Finn called her.

"Yeah?" Quinn asked.

"If I say no, who's gonna be her godfather?" Finn wondered.

"If you say no, she won't have a godfather." Quinn replied as she walked away.


"Alright, guys. Now that you're all here, I wanted to talk to you about something important." Mr. Schue began glee club.

"Quinn's birthday next Monday." Puck stated.

"Uh... no." Mr. Schue said. "But happy birthday, Quinn."

"Thanks." Quinn replied.

"What did you wanna tell us?" Rachel redirected the conversation.

"Right, well, I heard who the three celebrity judges are for Regionals." Mr. Schue started.

"Who are they?" Mercedes wondered.

"Josh Groban, Olivia Newton-John, and Sue Sylvester." Mr. Schue answered.

"We may as well give up now." Artie decided.

"Even if we're good, which we will be, Coach Sylvester isn't gonna let us win." Kurt pointed out.

"Yeah, 'cause then glee club will end and Cheerios will get the glee club's budget." Santana added.

"Which is what Coach Sylvester wanted all along!" Brittany exclaimed, gasping as it all clicked.

"Don't quit before you even get there." Mr. Schue advised his students. "All of you have come so far this year. Think about it. When we started, there were five of you."

"And then I joined." Finn smirked.

"Then we joined." Quinn said, looking at Santana and Brittany.

"When the football team finally won a game, me, Matt, and Puck joined." Mike stated.

"Exactly." Mr. Schue nodded. "We started with five and we made it to twelve. Look what happened at Sectionals. You guys got first place without the judges even knowing what was going on."

Rachel smiled optimistically. "We can win Regionals, guys. For the sake of the club, we have to."

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