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Puck was no where to be found after school, so Quinn headed out to the parking lot to find him.


Quinn furrowed her eyebrow. "Rachel, hey. Have you seen Noah?"

"Actually, that's why I was looking for you." Rachel told Quinn. "He and Finn got stuck at practice, but he asked me to take you to your appointment."

Quinn frowned. "He promised."

"Sorry." Rachel apologized. "But I'll drive. You can't be late, right?"

"Right." Quinn repeated softly as she followed the brunette to her car.


"Can you wait here?" Quinn requested when they called her name. "I'll be out in a few minutes."

Quinn followed the nurse to one of the rooms where they took her vitals and her weight, and then she sat down to wait for Dr. Chin.

"Hi, Quinn. How are you feeling?" Dr. Chin asked with a smile.

"I'm good." Quinn said. "How are you?"

"Good." Dr. Chin repeated. "You look great and everything looks great."

Quinn nodded. "I have more energy than I did in the beginning of all of this so I've been trying to stay somewhat active."

"You're young and in good shape, so as long as you're up to it, I'm all for it." Dr. Chin said. "Although I have to advise against those cheer stunts that Coach Sylvester is so famous for."

"I'm not a cheerleader anymore." Quinn answered.

"Well, you're more than halfway there now and you're doing great, so keep everything up." Dr. Chin told Quinn. "We'll do a sonogram and then you'll be out of here. Do you have any questions or anything else?"

"Actually, can we see if it's a boy or a girl?" Quinn asked.

Dr. Chin smiled. "Absolutely.

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