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"Congratulations, Quinny. She's perfect." Judy smiled.

"Thank you." Quinn replied. "For being here after everything."

"You're my daughter and she's my granddaughter." Judy stated as there was a light knock on the door.

"Come in!" Quinn called.

"Hey." Puck said as he peeked his head in the room. "Everyone's here. They all wanna see you and her, but only if you're up to it."

"Is your mom here?" Quinn asked.

"She and Sarah are here, yeah." Puck answered.

"Let them come in first." Quinn nodded. "They're family."

"Okay." Puck said as he opened the door and led his mom and Sarah in.

"Congratulations." Ruth smiled as she looked at Quinn. "Noah said you were great in there."

"She was." Puck added. "Total badass."

Quinn smiled as she looked at her mom, who was holding the baby. "Mom, this is Mrs. Puckerman. And Sarah, Noah's sister. Mrs. Puckerman, Sarah, this is my mom, Judy."

"Ruth." Ruth corrected Quinn as she smiled at Judy. "It's nice to meet you. We love your daughter."

"She's a good girl." Judy nodded.

"Can I hold the baby, Noah?" Sarah requested.

"Why don't you hold her another time?" Puck replied. "Mom's gonna hold her and, you know, she needs to rest. And so does Quinn."

"I'm okay with having visitors." Quinn reminded Puck. "Mom, let Ruth hold her. She's her granddaughter, too."

Judy passed Beth off to Ruth.

"Beth, this is your Bubbe." Puck said as he stood by his mom and looked at the baby.

"Beth?" Judy repeated.

Quinn nodded. "That's her name."

"She's gorgeous." Ruth noted.

"That's all Quinn." Puck smiled. "She's got the beauty, and I got the brains."

"Mmm, sure, Noah." Quinn smiled back.

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