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Quinn woke up to the sound of Puck's mom yelling.


Quinn gently nudged Puck, who was laying beside her.


Puck's eyes widened at the sound of his mother's voice.


Quinn raised her eyebrow.

"I'll be right there!" Puck called back as he got up. He looked at Quinn. "I'll be back in a minute."

Quinn nodded as the boy with the mohawk walked out of the room.

A few minutes later, Quinn got up and walked to the top of the stairs.

"When I'm not around, I expect you and your sister to get along."

Quinn's eyes widened at Ruth's tone. In all honesty, Quinn was somewhat afraid of her.

"You're the older brother." Ruth continued. "You should know better."

"Then tell her she has to actually listen to me. And not bother Quinn." Puck replied.

Quinn bit her lip.

"She's a kid." Ruth said. "You're an adult. Hell, you're gonna be a father. I expect you to stop acting like your father and start being better. You keep disappointing me, which I didn't even think-"

Quinn decided to interrupt Ruth by walking down the stairs.

Ruth paused when she saw the blonde.

"G-Good morning, Mrs. Puckerman." Quinn stuttered as she looked at Puck's mom.

"Morning." Ruth nodded as she gave Puck a look and walked away.

Puck looked at Quinn. "Is there any chance you didn't hear that?"

Quinn shook her head. "I came down here to stop her from yelling at you."

"Why?" Puck blurted.

Quinn furrowed her eyebrow as she thought about it. "I... I don't know."

Puck nodded slowly. "Well, you didn't have to, but thanks."

Quinn smiled slightly.

"I'm gonna go eat breakfast if you wanna come join me." Puck said.

"Sure." Quinn replied as she followed Puck into the kitchen, where Sarah and Ruth were seated at the table.

"I'm not Dad." Puck told Ruth. "And I'm nothing like him."

"Okay." Ruth responded, not even looking up from her phone.

"I'm not." Puck insisted.

"At least your father was married before he started getting people pregnant." Ruth said as she glanced at Quinn before looking back at Puck.

"Being married clearly meant nothing to him." Puck stated. "It never did."

Ruth raised her eyebrow.

"I would never put my kid through what Dad put me and Sarah through. And you." Puck went on. "But you let him do it."

"Puck." Quinn said softly as she shook her head.

"And you're just mad because Quinn's not Jewish." Puck told Ruth, ignoring Quinn. "But it doesn't matter. I'm not gonna be like Dad. I'm gonna be good to Quinn, and to our baby."

"I hope so." Ruth replied.

Puck rolled his eyes and looked at Quinn, who had tears in her eyes.

"Come on, Q." Puck said as he took Quinn by the hand and led her out.

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