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"Q, I'm going to the game." Puck told Quinn as he knocked on his bedroom door on Friday. "It doesn't start for, like, two hours, but we have to warm up."

Quinn looked at him. "Okay. Good luck."

"You wanna come?" Puck asked.

"No, I should work on homework." Quinn said.

"You shouldn't punish yourself for everything." Puck told Quinn. "And you should enjoy things now before everything changes."

Quinn nodded. "I know, but we have that Spanish test coming up and-"

"Wait." Puck said. "Are you actually studying for Mr. Schue's test?"

"I don't wanna fail." Quinn told Puck. "I wanna get out of this stupid town someday."

"You will." Puck promised. "Just don't waste your time studying for that. Mr. Schue is gonna pass everyone once we win our basketball game."

"You think you're gonna win the game?" Quinn raised her eyebrow. "You guys lost every football game this season and you haven't won a basketball game yet."

"The season just started!" Puck exclaimed as he shook his head. "And we won one football game."

"Yeah, thanks to you." Quinn replied. "Anyway, good luck. You'll need it."

"Alright." Puck laughed lightly. "If you need anything, text me."

"I'll be fine." Quinn promised. "See you later."

"See you later." Puck said as he walked out.

Quinn studied for another hour before going downstairs to find something to eat. She microwaved some food that Puck left for her. After she ate, she laid on the couch and watched TV.

About an hour later, the front door opened and Puck's mom and sister walked in.

"Hi, Quinn." Sarah smiled.

"Hi, Sarah." Quinn replied as she sat up. "Hi, Mrs. Puckerman."

Ruth barely acknowledged Quinn as she walked out of the room.

Sarah sat down on the couch beside Quinn. "What are you watching?"

"Keeping Up with the Kardashians." Quinn answered. "Puck hates it, so I only watch it when he's not around."

"Where is he?" Sarah wondered.

"He has a game tonight." Quinn replied as Ruth came back and sat down on the couch with the girls.

Ruth took the remote and put on some black and white movie where the characters spoke in another language.

Quinn suffered through the first twenty minutes of the movie. She was looking at the TV screen, but she could feel Ruth's eyes on her.

Ruth whispered something to Sarah, and Sarah glanced at Quinn.

Quinn slowly stood up and went upstairs. She put on a sweatshirt and UGG slippers before grabbing her purse and going back downstairs.

"Where are you going?" Sarah asked.

"Basketball game." Quinn responded as she walked out.

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