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"I have a doctor's appointment today." Quinn informed Puck when they got to school on Monday. "You don't have to come if you don't want to, but I wanted to let you know not to wait for me after school."

"Can I come?" Puck requested. "I wanna be there for it. The baby."

"Really?" Quinn asked as she looked at Puck.

Puck nodded. "I know you haven't decided if you're keeping it, but it's still our kid, and I wanna be there."

"Okay." Quinn nodded back as the bell rang.

"I'll see you later." Puck said. "Bye, Q."

"Bye, Noah."


At the end of the day, Quinn was at her locker when Puck approached her.


"Hey." Quinn repeated. "What's up?"

"Is it still cool if I take you to that doctor's appointment?" Puck asked.

Before Quinn could answer, Puck continued.

"If you don't want me in the room, I could stay in the waiting room or something, but-"

"It's still cool for you to take me." Quinn cut Puck off as she closed her locker. "Are you ready to go?"

"Cool. And yeah." Puck nodded. "You?"

Quinn nodded back.

"Alright, let's go." Puck smiled.


Quinn signed in before taking a seat next to Puck. She chewed on her lip and picked at her nails.

"What's wrong?" Puck asked.

"What do you mean?" Quinn questioned him.

"You always pick at your nails when you're nervous." Puck noted.

Quinn raised her eyebrow as she put her hands down on her lap.

"You okay?" Puck wondered.


Quinn stood up and looked at Puck. "Will you come in with me? Please?"

Puck nodded and stood up, following Quinn and the nurse to one of the rooms.

The nurse took Quinn's weight and her vitals.

"You can have a seat. Dr. Chin will be right with you for the sonogram."

"Thank you." Quinn said softly as she sat down.

Puck sat down on one of the small swivel chairs against the wall as the nurse left the room.

"I hate that waiting room." Quinn admitted softly. "Everyone stares at me."

"Who cares what they think?" Puck asked. "All that matters is that you and the baby are healthy."

Quinn nodded slowly.

"Besides, maybe they were staring at me." Puck joked. "I'm pretty hot."

Quinn smiled and shook her head. "I really hope this baby has your confidence."

"You're Quinn Fabray." Puck reminded Quinn. "You're, like, the most..."

Puck trailed off as the doctor entered the room.

"Hi, Quinn. How are you feeling?"

"Hi, Dr. Chin. I'm good." Quinn replied as she glanced at Puck. "Oh, um, this is my... N-Noah is the baby's father."

"Nice to meet you." Dr. Chin smiled.

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