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Puck skipped work to take Quinn to her doctor's appointment on Friday. He hadn't been to an appointment in a few weeks and he felt bad about it even though Quinn had told him numerous times that it was no big deal.


Quinn got up and looked at Puck.

"I'm right behind you, baby." Puck said softly as he got up.

Quinn followed the nurse to the room, reaching back for Puck's hand as they walked down the hall.

Puck took Quinn's hand and squeezed it, only letting go of it when they entered the room.

The nurse checked Quinn's weight and her vitals before having her sit down. She spoke to Quinn for a short while before leaving the room.

Quinn sat down and looked at Puck, who was seated on the stool beside her.

Puck smiled as he put his hand out.

Quinn took Puck's hand, interlacing her fingers within his.

"I can't believe all of this is almost over." Quinn said softly.

"I know." Puck agreed. "Are you gonna miss it?"

Quinn shook her head slowly. "Well... I'll miss certain parts of it, but not the swollen ankles or weight gain or the looks at school."

Puck nodded.

"What about you?" Quinn questioned Puck. "Are you gonna miss this?"

"I..." Puck trailed off as the doctor entered the room.

"Hi, Quinn. Hi, Noah." Dr. Chin smiled.

"Hi, Dr. Chin." Quinn replied.

Dr. Chin looked at Quinn. "You look great. How are you feeling?"

"Huge." Quinn answered. "I feel like I'm waddling now."

"Well, that's to be expected near the end." Dr. Chin said as she sat down and looked at Quinn. "Let's do the sonogram and get you out of here, okay?"

"Okay." Quinn repeated.

The doctor got Quinn ready with the gel and put the monitor on her belly.

Quinn squeezed Puck's hand as they listened to the baby's heartbeat and looked at her on the screen.

"Right now, the baby is in cephalic presentation, which is good." Dr. Chin noted.

Puck furrowed his eyebrow and looked at Quinn.

"It means she's head-first." Dr. Chin clarified after seeing the confused look on Puck's face. "That means she's almost ready to come meet you."

Puck smiled slightly.

"Do you know how much she weighs?" Quinn wondered.

"I'd say a little over six pounds." Dr. Chin answered.

"And how much will she weigh when she's born?" Puck questioned Dr. Chin.

"It depends when she's born." Dr. Chin said. "But given her size now, she'll definitely be less than eight pounds. She might even be less than seven pounds."

Puck nodded.

"Do you have any more questions for me, Quinn?" Dr. Chin wondered as she turned off the machine. "Or Noah?"

Puck shook his head.

"Any concerns?" Dr. Chin asked.

Quinn shrugged. "I know she's almost here, and I've read all the books and stuff, but I still don't feel ready for her."

"Even with as much preparation as possible, most parents aren't ready for their babies to be born." Dr. Chin told Quinn. "But they all figure it out."

Quinn nodded slowly.

"You'll be surprised at how fast you figure it all out. You'll be just fine."

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