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"Alright, guys." Mr. Schue began glee club. "Regionals is a little less than a month away."

"I think we're ready, Mr. Schue." Finn said.

"Yeah, I mean, look what happened at Sectionals." Artie added. "And we still managed to win."

"Hey, wait a minute." Mr. Schue furrowed his eyebrow. "Where's Rachel?"

"Probably making out with Jesse." Brittany muttered in disgust.

"Actually, my sources said they broke up." Kurt informed everyone. "Like an hour ago."

"Yeah, it turns out that Vocal Adrenaline's coach is Rachel's mom." Mercedes announced.

"Wait, seriously?" Quinn asked.

"So much for us winning Regionals." Puck added. "Berry's gonna jump ship."

"Rachel wouldn't do that." Finn shook his head. "Maybe she's just running late."

"Rachel probably wasn't even late to her own birth." Kurt stated. "You really think she's gonna be late to glee club?"

Finn shrugged innocently.

Luckily, before the Rachel debate could continue, the brunette entered the choir room.

"Sorry I'm late, I was with Miss Pillsbury." Rachel said as she took her seat next to Finn. "It turns out you were right about Jesse using me, Finn."

"I think everyone in the entire school knew that." Santana responded.

"Even me." Brittany added.

"Miss Corcoran, uh, Shelby, my... mom got Jesse to manipulate me so that I would find her and reach out to her." Rachel explained. "It's all really confusing and fresh so I'd like to just jump into rehearsal."

"Yeah, of course." Mr. Schue nodded. "Let's start with warm-ups, guys."

Everyone got up and started getting in their places.

"Oh, and Rachel, if you need anything..."

"Thank you, Mr. Schuester."

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