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On Sunday, Quinn woke up and dragged herself out of bed. She went downstairs and found Puck on the couch.

"Morning." Quinn said.

"Morning." Puck repeated. "You're just in time."

"To join your big Valentine's Day plans?" Quinn asked.

Puck nodded as he got up. "Make yourself comfortable."

"Where are you going?" Quinn wondered.

"To make you some breakfast." Puck answered.

Quinn shook her head. "I'm not hungry."

Puck furrowed his eyebrow. "Are you sure?"

"Yes." Quinn nodded. "I'm gonna shower and get changed and then I'll come join you."

"You wanna eat after you shower?" Puck asked.

"I'll wait for the pizza." Quinn decided, excusing herself as she left the room.

Quinn went upstairs to Puck's bathroom and took a shower. When she was done, she wrapped herself in a towel and blow-dried her hair before tying it up into a messy bun. She went back to Puck's room and looked for something to wear.

Frustrated with her own clothes, Quinn helped herself to one of Puck's gray football hoodies and matching sweatpants before returning downstairs.

Puck smiled when he saw Quinn.

"I hope you don't mind me helping myself to your clothes." Quinn stated.

"What's mine is yours." Puck said. "Besides, they look cute on you."

"Thank you." Quinn replied. "I'm ready for the Puckerman Valentine's Day now."

"Make yourself comfortable." Puck told Quinn. "I have the chocolate, and the pizza will be here soon."

Quinn grinned as she sat down on the couch, curling up with Puck and helping herself to some chocolate.

"First up, we have Titanic." Puck informed Quinn as he looked at her. "We have to get that out of the way 'cause it pisses me off."

Quinn furrowed her eyebrow. "Why?"

"You can't tell me there was no room for Jack on that board." Puck explained. "Rose let him die."

Quinn rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Come on. We have a lot of movies and food to get through."

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