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"I know I haven't seen much of you in the past week or so, but happy birthday, Quinn." Puck smiled as he and Quinn sat down for breakfast on her birthday.

"Thank you." Quinn smiled back. "And thanks for the bacon."

"I happen to think 3am bacon tastes better, but oh well." Puck teased.

"You don't even eat bacon." Quinn stated.

Puck shrugged. "Well, I miss those 3am snacks."

"Yeah." Quinn nodded. "Me too."

"We'll have to do that again before she's here." Puck decided. "One last time."

"Okay." Quinn agreed.

"Oh and speaking of the baby, how'd the appointment go the other day?" Puck asked.

"It was good." Quinn said. "Dr. Chin wants to see me once a week now until she's here."

"Well, let me know what day and I'll do my best to be there." Puck said. "Baseball just ended."

"I'll keep you posted." Quinn promised as she got up.

"You're done eating?" Puck asked. "You don't want more?"

"I have to get ready for school." Quinn replied.

"Do you wanna tell the glee club today that we picked a name?" Puck asked.

"Yeah." Quinn said. "Let's tell them."


"Before we get into rehearsal, Quinn and I wanted to make an announcement." Puck stated as he and Quinn stood in front of their friends in the choir room.

"I knew it, you're having twins! Yay!" Brittany cheered.

"No." Quinn shook her head. "Thankfully, we're not having twins. One is more than enough."

Puck nodded in agreement. "We wanted to tell you that we finally picked a name for the baby."

"You did?" Rachel asked.

"W-What is it?" Tina wondered.

Quinn smiled as Puck took her hand.

"We're naming her Beth." Puck informed everyone.

"Beth Puckerman." Quinn nodded. "Noah came up with it and it was really sweet."

"And all of you guys get to be her aunts and uncles." Puck went on. "And Mr. Schue could be, like, her grandpa."

"And I'm her godmother." Santana bragged.

Quinn and Puck glanced at Finn, who didn't say anything.

"I can't wait to meet her." Mercedes said.

"Me, too." Artie agreed.

"Yeah." Kurt nodded. "Quinn Fabray's baby is probably the most beautiful angel on the planet, so..."

Quinn laughed lightly. "Thank you, guys. I never would've imagined this year to turn out the way it did, but I'm grateful for all of you."

"We love you, Quinn." Brittany grinned.

"Yeah, and happy birthday!"

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