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"Alright, close your eyes." Puck requested as he and Quinn stood outside his bedroom door.

Quinn closed her eyes. "Okay, they're closed."

"Keep them closed." Puck said as he stood behind Quinn and put his hands over her eyes. He opened his bedroom door and carefully led Quinn inside, closing the door behind them.

"Can I open my eyes now?" Quinn asked.

"Yeah." Puck answered. "Open them."

Quinn opened her eyes and looked around the room. Her eyes immediately filled with tears.

Puck's walls, which were all previously white and bare, were painted pink on one side of the room. There was a white crib and a rocking chair in the corner.

"You hate it." Puck noted.

Quinn shook her head. "I can't believe you did all this."

"It doesn't mean we have to keep her." Puck added. "The lady at the store said we can return all of this if we don't use it."

Quinn nodded slowly.

"And I guess I could repaint my room." Puck joked.

"How did you do all of this?" Quinn questioned Puck softly.

"I had some help." Puck responded. "Finn."

"Well, I love it. Thank you." Quinn smiled as she put her hands on her baby bump and walked over to the crib.

"The bedding will be here in a few days." Puck informed Quinn. "It's a pink and gray theme. And there's elephants. I don't really know, but we thought it would be cool so..."

"Thank you." Quinn repeated as she wiped her eyes and turned to Puck, who was standing behind her. "This was really sweet of you. And Finn."

Puck smiled. "I'm just glad you like it."

Quinn nodded and bit her lip. "I wanna keep her, Noah."

"You what?" Puck wondered, wanting to make sure he heard her properly.

"I wanna keep her." Quinn stated.

"Really?" Puck asked.

Quinn smiled as happy tears filled her eyes.

Puck wrapped his arms around Quinn and hugged her excitedly.

When they parted, Quinn leaned in and kissed Puck passionately.

(Un)Happy FamilyWhere stories live. Discover now