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Quinn was in a bad mood all day. She couldn't wait to go back to Puck's and hide away in his room.

After school, Quinn was heading out when she ran into Mercedes, Kurt, and Tina.

"Oh." Quinn muttered. "Hey, guys."

"Hey." Mercedes said. "I'm sorry about earlier."

"About P-P-Puckerman." Tina stuttered.

"We're all sorry." Kurt added.

"I'm not mad at you." Quinn replied. "Any of you."

The trio nodded slowly.

"Puck and I have a lot to discuss, but he's a good guy." Quinn told her friends. "He takes care of me and he listens to me, and... I don't have a crush, but I can handle a little teasing from you guys."

"You get enough from the rest of the school." Mercedes pointed out. "You don't need it from us. We're your friends."

"Thank you." Quinn smiled. "I should get going."

"Let me drive you home." Kurt offered. "I'm taking Mercedes and Tina anyway, and I'm pretty sure Puck left with Finn."

Quinn furrowed her eyebrow and nodded. "Okay, thanks."


When Quinn got back to Puck's house, she thanked her friends for the ride before heading to the door.

Quinn knocked on the door and waved as Kurt drove away.

Puck opened the door and smiled. "Hey, you're just in time."

"Just in time for what?" Quinn wondered as she looked at Puck. "What's with the apron?"

"Oh, this?" Puck asked. "I'm helping Sarah with something."

Quinn furrowed her eyebrow and entered the house. Puck closed the door behind her.

"You can taste-test." Puck decided. "I'm making brownies for Sarah's school's Valentine's Day bake sale."

"Valentine's Day is on Sunday." Quinn informed Puck.

"Yeah, but her class is having some fundraiser this week and Sarah's supposed to bring in brownies tomorrow." Puck explained as he led Quinn into the kitchen.

"Brownies?" Quinn repeated. "I hope they're not your special brownies."

"I would never give my sister and her friends pot brownies." Puck told Quinn, smirking at her. "Mine are in my room."

Quinn sat down at the counter. She looked at all of the ingredients and pans spread throughout the kitchen. "So where is Sarah?"

"She's upstairs doing homework." Puck answered. "I figured I'd start this while she focuses on what actually matters."

Quinn nodded, impressed with what she was hearing.

"And besides, I figured you and I could have a little part two of our food fight in the home ec room." Puck added as he held out an egg.

"Tempting." Quinn said with a smile as she shook her head. She put her hand over Puck's and lowered the egg. "But why don't we skip that and just pick up where we left off?"

"I think we were right here." Puck replied as he stood in front of Quinn.

Quinn looked at Puck's lips and then back up at his eyes.

Puck gently pulled her close and kissed her.

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