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The girls and Kurt gathered in the dining room and sat down. The table was set and food was out. They began making plates and passing the trays of food.

Everyone started eating the appetizers and lunch foods.

"So one of the games is who knows Mommy best." Santana told Quinn.

"We came up with the questions and you'll have to tell us who has the most correct answers." Kurt said.

"Okay." Quinn nodded as Rachel handed her a piece of paper.

They went through the questions until they had a winner. Mercedes and Santana were the top two, but Santana won.

"The next game won't end until after the baby is here." Mercedes told Quinn. "But we're all gonna guess how big she'll be."

"But first you have to tell us how big she is now." Rachel said.

"Right now she's abou..." Quinn trailed off, uncomfortable from her Braxton-Hicks contraction.

The others looked around at each other, unsure of what was going on and what they were supposed to do.

"Quinn, are you okay?" Santana asked. "What can we do?"

"God, you sound just like Noah." Quinn muttered. "I'm fi..."

Quinn trailed off and closed her eyes.

"Are you sure?" Mercedes asked.

"They're not even real contractions." Quinn said as she opened her eyes. "I'm fine."

"If you say so." Brittany mumbled.

"Quinn, you're bleeding." Rachel noted. "Let us take you to the hospital."

Quinn nodded as she held a hand over her belly and slowly stood up. "No one call Puck."

"Quinn, let's go." Santana said as she took Quinn's arm. "I'll call your doctor on the way."


When they got to the hospital, they gave Quinn a room to wait for Quinn's doctor, who was a few minutes out. Rachel and Santana stayed in the room with Quinn while the other girls waited in the waiting room with Kurt.

"You don't all have to stay." Quinn told Santana and Rachel. "I'm fine. You can go finish the party."

"It's your party." Santana said, shaking her head as the doctor walked in.

"Hi, Quinn." Dr. Chin said.

"Hi, Dr. Chin." Quinn replied. "How are you?"

"I'm good." Dr. Chin nodded. "How are you? You're not supposed to be here yet."

"Yeah." Quinn said. "I'm okay. I'm bleeding a little and my friends were concerned."

"You have good friends." Dr. Chin noted, glancing at Santana and Rachel as Puck walked in.

"Quinn, are you okay? Oh my god."

"You called Puck?" Quinn asked Santana.

"Are you okay? What happened?" Puck questioned Quinn as he stood beside Quinn and took her hand as he looked at the doctor.

"I'm fine." Quinn insisted. "I just had some cramping and bleeding."

"Let's do an exam, okay?" Dr. Chin said as she put gloves on and sat down by Quinn's feet.

"We're gonna wait outside." Rachel decided as she dragged Santana out.

Puck squeezed Quinn's hand while Dr. Chin examined her.

"The good news is you're okay and the baby's okay." Dr. Chin told Quinn when she was done.

"Can we still do a sonogram?" Quinn requested. "I just wanna see her. I don't feel okay."

"That's because you're scared." Dr. Chin informed Quinn. "And you were bleeding because you're stressed and over-exhausted, and it caused your body to try and start early labor."

"So what do I do?" Quinn wondered.

"Well, the bleeding stopped and you're not having contractions, which is good." Dr. Chin told Quinn. "But I'm gonna give you some medicine to stop contractions just in case, and you need to rest as much as possible for the next few weeks."

"Right." Quinn muttered, unconvinced.

"I'm serious." Dr. Chin stated. "Bedrest. As much as possible."

"She will." Puck nodded.

"I know she will." Dr. Chin responded. "Now let's do that sonogram and listen to her heartbeat."

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