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"Noah! Beth! Hurry up!" Quinn called as she ran around the apartment. "I can't be late to my own college graduation!"

"Mommy, come here!" Beth called back. "I need help with my shoes!"

"Where are you, B?" Quinn asked.

"Your room!" Beth responded.

Quinn sighed as she opened her bedroom door. She furrowed her eyebrow when she saw Beth sitting on the bed, which was covered with rose petals.

"What's going on?" Quinn wondered as she looked closely at the pillow in Beth's arms.

"Daddy said you're supposed to read it." Beth responded as she held the pillow out.

"Where is he?" Quinn questioned Beth.

"I don't know." Beth shrugged. "Just read it."

"Will you marry me?" Quinn read aloud, furrowing her eyebrow.


Quinn turned around and smiled as Puck took her hand and sunk down to one knee.

"Quinn." Puck began.

"Noah." Quinn replied with a small smile.

"I love you. You taught me how to love someone, and you made me into a man." Puck went on. "You made us into a family, and if you'll have me, I wanna keep loving you for the rest of my life."

Quinn took a deep breath as Puck opened the black box to reveal the ring.

"Quinn Fabray." Puck said with a small smile. "Will you marry me?"

Quinn smiled and nodded. "Yes, I'll marry you."

Puck grinned as he slid the ring onto Quinn's finger and stood up. He held her close and kissed her passionately.

Quinn wrapped her arms around Puck's neck as she deepened the kiss.

"I thought you said we were gonna be late." Beth noted, trying to separate her parents - who were so disgustingly in love.

Quinn pulled away and looked at Puck. "I love you so much, Noah."

"I love you."

"Hey! What about me?" Beth asked.

Puck scooped Beth up and tickled her sides as he and Quinn attacked her with kisses.

"Okay!" Beth exclaimed. "No more!"

"Go put your shoes on, B." Puck said when the trio separated.

Beth ran out of the room.

Quinn stood there for a moment admiring her ring. She looked at Puck, who was watching her.

"You like it?" Puck asked.

"It's beautiful." Quinn nodded, smiling at Puck.

"I love you, Quinn." Puck told her. "And I'm so proud of you. I can't wait to see you walk across that stage today, and I can't wait to call you my wife."

"I can't wait to be your wife." Quinn smiled as she wrapped her arms around Puck's neck and kissed him. "I love you so much."

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2020 ⏰

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