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Quinn opened her eyes when the soft cries of a newborn baby girl filled the room.

"She's here, Quinn." Puck smiled as he looked at her. "You did it."

Judy smiled proudly at her daughter as she pushed her hair off her sweaty face. "Congratulations, sweetheart."

"You wanna cut the umbilical cord, Dad?" One of the nurses asked Puck when they were done cleaning up the baby.

Judy looked at Puck, who was focused on Quinn, completely forgetting that Dad meant him.

"Oh, uh, y-yeah." Puck stuttered. His hands were shaking, but the nurses helped him cut the cord while Quinn delivered the placenta.

Quinn watched as the nurses took the baby away. "Where is she going?"

"They're just gonna clean her up." Judy assured Quinn.

"She's fine, Q. She's perfect." Puck added as he stood by the nurses and watched while they took care of the baby.

They brought the freshly-cleaned baby back over and laid her in Quinn's arms.

"She's perfectly healthy." Dr. Chin smiled. "I told you there was nothing to worry about at your age."

Quinn grinned as she looked at Puck.

"The nurses will take you to recovery and I'll be back to check on you in a little bit." Dr. Chin promised. "Congratulations."

"Thanks, Doc." Puck said.

When they were in recovery, the room emptied out, including Judy, who wanted to give Quinn and Puck a chance to be alone with their newborn.

Puck looked at Quinn. "She's gorgeous, Q. She looks just like you."

Quinn nodded slowly. "Maybe, but I can tell she's a Puckerman."

"Yeah." Puck smirked. "That means we're in trouble, huh?"

"Definitely." Quinn agreed.

"You did good." Puck told Quinn. "I'm really proud of you."

"My mom wants me to move back home with her." Quinn blurted.

"Is that what you want?" Puck wondered.

"A few months ago, maybe." Quinn said as she shook her head. "But not now."

Puck looked at Quinn.

"I wouldn't have been able to do this without you by my side." Quinn said. "Any of this."

"You would've been just fine." Puck insisted. "But thanks for letting me be a part of it all."

"I want you to still be a part of it all." Quinn told Puck. "I can't do this without you and I don't want to. I don't wanna take her from you."

"So if you move back with your mom, we'll figure it all out." Puck noted.

"Noah, that's not what I'm saying." Quinn said softly. "I'm saying I wanna stay with you."

"You do?" Puck questioned Quinn.

"You turned your room into a nursery." Quinn reminded Puck.

"Half of it." Puck nodded.

"You painted the walls pink for her." Quinn stated. "I'm staying and we're doing this parenting thing together."

Puck smiled. "Really?"

"Really." Quinn nodded. "But just so we're clear, we're not doing this again any time soon."

"Deal." Puck grinned.

Quinn smiled as she looked at Puck. "You wanna hold her?"

"When you're done." Puck nodded.

"You can take a turn." Quinn said. "She's yours, too."

"Alright." Puck replied.

Quinn gently passed the baby to Puck.

"Hi, Beth." Puck smiled as he cradled his daughter. "When I said I couldn't wait to meet you, I didn't mean you should come almost three weeks early and make Mommy uncomfortable at Regionals."

Quinn grinned as she watched Puck with their daughter.

"Quinn, look!" Puck exclaimed. "She grabbed my finger."

"I see." Quinn nodded, smiling at Puck's excitement. "She likes you."

"What's not to like?" Puck smirked.

Quinn rolled her eyes and smiled.

Puck gently put Beth back in Quinn's arms as he looked at the paperwork in the room.

"This says she's six pounds and eight ounces." Puck informed Quinn.

"One of the girls guessed she would be eight pounds and six ounces." Quinn replied. "I'm just glad she wasn't nine pounds like her dad."

"Yeah, me, too." Puck nodded.

"You should go see if your mom and Sarah are here." Quinn stated. "And if any of the glee kids came."

"Yeah, I'll be right back." Puck responded. "I'll send your mom in while I'm gone."

"Just hurry back." Quinn requested.

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