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Quinn took a seat with Mercedes, Kurt, and Rachel on the bleachers in the gym at the basketball game.

"Hey, Quinn." Mercedes smiled. "I didn't know you were coming."

Quinn nodded. "Puck's mom is home and she was annoying me so I decided to come watch the game."

"Too bad they're losing." Rachel added. "But then again, they always lose."

"Well, their coach sucks." Quinn noted as she watched the basketball players walk out of the gym. "I'm gonna go use the bathroom. Save my seat?"


Quinn left the gym and used the bathroom. After she washed her hands, she walked out and saw Finn in the hallway.


The tall brunette paused and looked at Quinn. "Quinn? What are you doing here?"

"I go to school here." Quinn reminded Finn.

Finn nodded slowly. "I meant at the game, but I guess you're here for Puck."

"Can we talk?" Quinn asked.

"I should get back to the team." Finn said as he started to walk away.

"I'm sorry." Quinn blurted. "Puck is, too. We weren't thinking, and I never meant to hurt you."

"I loved you, Quinn." Finn replied. "And you hurt me really bad. You lied to me for months."

"I know." Quinn nodded. "And I'm really sorry."

"I just wanna know, why'd you do it?" Finn wondered. "Why'd you cheat on me? We were good."

Quinn shrugged. "You and I were fighting, and I texted Puck to come over, and..."

Finn nodded slowly.

"I care about you, Finn. And I'm not making excuses for what I did." Quinn said. "I know it was wrong, but Puck is your best friend. And you shouldn't let this ruin that."

"It's not like he's innocent." Finn stated. "He did something really bad."

"So did I." Quinn pointed out. "We're both sorry and we miss you."

Finn looked at Quinn.

"I don't know what we're doing once the baby's born yet, but I don't want you to hate us forever because of this." Quinn stated as she spotted Puck walking down the hall.

"Coach is looking for you." Puck informed Finn as he walked over to them.

Finn nodded.

"Good luck." Quinn added as Finn walked away.

"Hey." Puck grinned. "You came."

"Yeah, well, you deserve to have your own cheerleader in the stands." Quinn answered. "Even if I'm not a Cheerio anymore."

"You're still my favorite one." Puck looked at her. "But wait, you came here for me?"

"Yes." Quinn said. "And your mom was driving me crazy."

"Yeah, she does that." Puck replied. "Sorry."

Quinn nodded. "It's okay."

Puck nodded back. "I should get back to the team."

"Can you go win the game now?" Quinn requested. "You said you would, remember?"

"Well, now that you're here, I might." Puck smirked. "I'm really glad you came, even if it was just to get away from my mom."

Quinn smiled. "Go win the game, Puckerman."

"You got it, Fabray." Puck said with a smile as he walked away.

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