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Quinn snapped back to reality and looked at Mercedes.

"Yeah." Quinn muttered as she sat up straight.

"I asked how things are with Puck." Mercedes stated. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay. Sorry." Quinn replied.

"So... how are things with Puck?" Mercedes asked again.

Quinn glanced at Tina and Kurt, who were seated across from her and Mercedes. "Things are good. We're not together or anything, but-"

"But?" Kurt asked, practically salivating over the gossip.

"But we had, like, I don't know... a moment yesterday." Quinn admitted.

"W-What kind of m-m-moment?" Tina stuttered.

"Well, we were laying together and we were talking about the baby." Quinn began. "And he was being really sweet."

"Puck was being sweet?" Mercedes asked.

Quinn nodded. "And I felt the baby moving and kicking, and then he did, and we had, like, a moment."

"What do you mean?" Kurt questioned Quinn.

"It felt like we were together." Quinn shrugged. "Like, we could've kissed and then went to bed together. I don't know."

"Sounds like you've got a crush on your baby daddy." Mercedes teased.

"I do not." Quinn argued. "It's just the baby and the hormones. That's why I don't hate him."

"Mhm." Mercedes mumbled, not believing Quinn at all.

Kurt and Tina nodded in agreement.

"I can't have a crush on him anyway." Quinn stated as tears filled her eyes. She slowly stood up. "Neither of us can get too attached to each other or this baby. We just can't."

"Quinn, I'm sorry. We were just-"

"I have to go." Quinn grabbed her bag and walked away.

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