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The New Directions continued visiting Quinn and meeting Beth in small groups. The last ones to visit her were Rachel and Mr. Schue, but still, no one had told her about Regionals.

When visiting hours ended and the nurses took Beth to the nursery, Quinn looked at Puck, who was seated in the chair in her hospital room.

"Noah." Quinn said softly.

"Yeah?" Puck asked.

"Glee club is over, isn't it?" Quinn questioned Puck.

Puck didn't say anything.

"This is all my fault." Quinn went on. "I would've been much better at the choreography if I wasn't so distracted and-"

"It's not your fault." Puck cut Quinn off.

"What?" Quinn asked.

"It's not your fault." Puck repeated as he got up and walked over to Quinn, holding onto the bedrails as he stood beside the bed.

Quinn looked at Puck.

"Vocal Adrenaline was better than us." Puck stated. "They've always been completely in sync, and me and Finn can barely even sing and dance at the same time."

"It's not your fault either." Quinn told Puck.

"We got to meet Beth today." Puck pointed out. "So, really, we won."

Quinn smiled.

"You should get some sleep, Quinn." Puck commanded. "It's been a busy day."

"I'm not tired." Quinn said.

"I mean it." Puck said. "You can't use the excuse of being a stubborn pregnant chick anymore."

"Fine." Quinn gave in. "But I'm gonna sleep because I'm tired, not because you said to."

Puck nodded as he lightly kissed Quinn's forehead. "I'm really proud of how strong you were today. And throughout all of this."

"Thank you." Quinn said softly, smiling at Puck.

Puck nodded. "Now get some sleep."

"Lay with me until I fall asleep." Quinn requested. "I sleep better with you next to me."

"Alright." Puck said, squishing onto the hospital bed.

"Do you have enough room?" Quinn wondered.

"Plenty." Puck nodded, even though one of his feet was still on the floor. He put his arms around Quinn and held her. "Night, Q."

"Night, Noah." Quinn whispered.

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