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Puck helped Quinn get her dress off and get the hospital gown on. He helped her onto the bed before putting a gown on over his Regionals outfit.

"I'm so scared." Quinn said softly as the nurses began hooking her up to IVs and different machines. "It hurts so bad."

"I know." Puck replied. "But I'm here and I'm not going anywhere."

"Noah." Quinn muttered as she looked at Puck. "Can you call my mom? My phone's in my-"

"I already called her." Puck interrupted Quinn.

"You did?" Quinn asked.

Puck nodded. "Your mom's on her way. I thought you would want her here for this."

"Thank you." Quinn nodded back as another contraction hit her.

Puck stood beside Quinn and held her hand.

Quinn squeezed Puck's hand, digging her nails in.

When the contraction passed, the doctor entered the room with Quinn's chart.

"Hi, Quinn. How are you?" Dr. Chin asked.

"I've been better." Quinn murmured.

"How far apart are your contractions?" Dr. Chin wondered as she sat down to do the examination.

"Three or four minutes maybe?" Puck guessed. "Her water broke and then I drove her here."

Dr. Chin nodded as she examined Quinn. "Well, you're already at six centimeters, so you're more than halfway there."

Quinn threw her head back and sighed.

"I'll be back in a little bit to check on you." Dr. Chin promised before leaving the room.

Quinn slowly swung her legs off the side of the bed and carefully got up.

"Hey, uh, where are you going?" Puck wondered.

"I need to find my mom." Quinn said.

"Why don't you lay down and try to relax while I go find her?" Puck suggested.

"You've never met her." Quinn reminded Puck.

"I'm sure I'll find her." Puck said as he put his arms around Quinn. "Come back to bed and try to rest."

"Rest?" Quinn repeated. "You try resting when your body..."

Quinn trailed off as another contraction took over.

Puck held Quinn upright while she squeezed his hands and hissed in pain.

When the contraction ended, Puck helped Quinn back into the bed.

"Go find my mom."

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