I don't hate you

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After intrusive thoughts video


"My, my Virgil. Look how how much you've grown. Love the new jacket.. It's been a while." Remus said, grabbing Virgil's hand, pulling him in slightly.

"Go away, Remus." Virgil spat, trying to pull his hand away.

"Traded me in for the cleaner model, huh?" Remus asked, gesturing to Roman, who was on his phone.

"I didn't trade anything. I never said I liked you, I put up with you because I had to. You were just a creepy roommate." Virgil finally pulled his hand away, wiping it on his jacket.

"Aww cmon, Virgil, you know you love me."

"No. I don't." Virgil looked away from him, busying himself with his phone.

Remus stared at him for a moment before he let out a small laugh, shaking his head. "He hates you, y'know."

Virgil froze for a moment, glancing at Remus. "Who?"

Remus grinned slyly. "Roman."

"I.. I know." Virgil swallowed thickly.

Remus sighed. "I mean- Of course he does, you're the exact opposite of what he wants for Thomas.. How could he possibly ever want you?"

"Shut up, Remus! Don't say that to him!" Roman stood from the couch, glaring at Remus.

"I'll say what I want to. It's not like I'm lying or anything."

Virgil looked between the two, backing up slowly and walking away to his room.

He heard muffled arguing for a moment before Roman ended up leaving.

Virgil laid in bed, trying not to think about what Remus said. He never thought he had a chance with Roman, but... It hurt to think about anyway.

He groaned, rubbing his eyes as he shook his head.

There was a knock at the door, but Virgil made no move to get up. He really didn't feel like talking to anyone.


Virgil quickly sat up at the sound of Romans voice.

"Virgil, can we please talk?"

Virgil hesitated, sighing as he stood and opened his door.

Roman stood there, holding a small bouquet of red and white tulips. Roman looked down at them nervously. "I'm sorry about the colors, they were all I had in such short notice.. I didn't know your favorite flower so I just.. Anyway, I'm sorry for what Remus said to you."

"Don't be, it's not like I've never had to deal with him and his.. Way with words." Virgil went to close the door, but Roman put a hand against it.

"I don't hate you." Roman blurted out. "... Truly, I could never. You are such an important part of Thomas, I couldn't imagine not having you around."

Virgil gave a weak smile, "thanks, Roman."

"I wanted you to hear it from me.. That I don't hate you. Actually, it's quite the opposite." Roman flushed softly, swallowing nervously.

Virgil could feel the waves of anxiety from Roman. He took a deep breath, watching as Roman visably relaxed.

"I was hoping you'd allow me to prove I don't hate you.. By taking you on a date?"

Virgil's eyes widened. "Roman, you don't have t-"

"I want to, Virgil. I have for a long time." Roman offered the flowers out to him. "May I?"

Virgil looked at the flowers and then back at Roman. He looked so hopeful.

Virgil carefully took the flowers, nodding. "Okay."

Roman grinned. "Oh, there are so many places I want you to see! Does tomorrow work for you?"

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