RAAS Chapter 1

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Shi Qing slowly closed his eyes, and quietly passed away. The last things he saw were his mountain-like father, his gentle mother, and the brother who grew up watching over him, even though he had always been so rude to him.

In the end, his heart was truly filled with deep regret and sadness. As a child, he was really an unfilial son. He broke his parents' hearts, caused all of their dark black hair to turn white as snow, and he had even inflicted suffering on his brother who had lovingly cared for him...he was sorry, sorry to all who had loved him.

At the same time, he felt a strong sense of liberation in his selfish heart. The nightmare of the last two years was finally over. The long days of being tortured by a disease that left him unable to eat, writhing in excruciating pain, and wishing for a death that seemed it would never come, had finally reached their completion.

In the end, he could not defeat the cancer that had invaded his body. So, on a fair and sunny day, his frail, tired body finally gave up.

Finally. He did not have to hurt anymore.

What does it feel like to die?

Shi Qing sighed, he could finally feel it.

With his eyes closed, he waited quietly for death to come.

And waited...


Still Waiting...


When Shi Qing suddenly opened his eyes, he was blinded by a glaring white light that was completely unfamiliar to him.

Although his body did not move, his heart dashed about wildly, rolling about in the strong winds of the unknown. He was almost unable to resist his rising panic.

What is this situation? I'm not dead? Did I only stop breathing for a moment in order to belch? Am I not free? Do I have to keep suffering from my stomach cancer?

After finally ending his long despair, how could he only die for half a day and then return? Would he have to continue with the chemotherapy, countless medications, eating only to vomit it all back up, and painful nights that left him contemplating suicide?

Who would play with him like this?

After a few seconds, Shi Qing was able to calm down. If he was truly alive, why should he wish to die? Although living was too painful, since he did not die, he would not commit any actions to make it happen. Even if it hurt, he would accompany his family as long as he was able. He also hoped to bring them some joy with whatever time remained as compensation for their burdened hearts.

With these thoughts, Shi Qing made up his mind to press the call-button that rested near his right hand to call a nurse. This moment was when he discovered...the situation was completely wrong!

Where was his hospital bed? What about his little desk, his notebooks, his bookshelf full of novels, his mountain of DVDs?

Wait a minute...what about his body?

Shi Qing looked to the left, and then to the right, and finally confirmed that he must be, indeed, dead. The only thing was, he did not seem very dead, so maybe he had just become a wandering soul...

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