Raas chapter 56

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Qi Lu's body was sickly, and it was due to a disease he was stricken with since he was in his mother's womb. When the old Madam Qi was pregnant with him, life was like a constant battle. She had to be careful, whether it was with her food or the products she used, and she was seriously worried about his brothers and sisters who had already grown to adulthood.  

Therefore, even though she tried her best to safely give birth to Qi Lu, not only was her body wrecked, but even Qi Lu was born weak.  

Fortunately, after the birth of the youngest, the old Qi Patriarch was not completely absorbed with raising Qi Rui, so he would always watch over the mother and son pair. He still did everything that was expected of a father. He spent a large amount of money and was able to improve his youngest son's health a little.

By the time Qi Lu was five or six, he was not much different from the other kids.  

It was not until he was 11, and assessed to be a rare level eight dimension carrier, that his life flipped around once more.

He lost his freedom from the day he entered school. Even so, he had no complaints, and shouldered the high hopes of his mother and refused to show any weakness. Subsequently, he was good at everything and came first for every subject. After ten years of grueling work, his body started to show the strain.

His days did not improve in the slightest after his graduation. He inherited the Qi family and an even heavier burden was dropped on his shoulders. At that time, he had also married a wife, and they had a child. Though the two were often apart, they had deep feelings for one another.

For the sake of his mother, his wife, and especially his unborn child, he could only trudge on.

High-level dimension carriers had enormous capabilities with towering power and wealth; but their responsibilities were also tens, hundreds, and even a thousand times more than those of normal people. 

When Madam Qi was still alive, she had always devoted herself to caring for Qi Lu. Even if his life was tough, he still took care to maintain his body and exercise.  

Unfortunately, Madam Qi's life was too fragile, and she left the world early. The death of his beloved wife was a huge blow to him. If not for the presence of his young child, and also his old mother, he would've even wanted to join her.

For him, life was simply heavy.

However, he could not throw down his responsibilities. Especially with Qi Rui and the rest eyeing him. He needed to protect himself and the only child left behind by his wife, and he had to make sure he grew up healthy. 

The last eleven years had exacted a huge toll from his life.  

All the excessive labour and unceasing pressure piled on him caused his physical condition to deteriorate incessantly.

Nobody could tell him what condition he was facing, it was just as if he had reached 'that age'. The never-ending onslaught of aging was unstoppable.  

Qi Zimo's dimensional assessment results dealt a heavy blow to him. Yet he couldn't go down, he had to stand firm; he must help Qi Zimo turn his dimension around. He had to give him the ability to stand firm, or he would not have the face to see his dead wife again.

Despite that, his body was broken after all. From cars to planes, he rode through all means of transportation, and after the twists and turns of his journey, he still had to plead for help everywhere. That desperate struggle was just like the last straw that broke the camel's back; he had fallen unconscious completely before he could even receive any good news, completely unaware of the world around him.

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