Raas chapter 47

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Shi Qing slept very terribly the first half of the night, but he was actually able to sleep pretty well after that. Without even having any dreams, he slept until the sun rose, and it was even the sound of someone knocking on the door that woke him up...

After waking up, he was still in a daze. Why was it so dark in the room? It's all dark, the sun's not up, what are you knocking on my door for!

However, as soon as he turned his head, he saw the two pairs of pajama pants that were blocking the rays of sunlight from entering his room. In an instant, the memories from the previous night came gushing up, and his face turned fiery red.

He had a wet dream, and his mind was even filled with Qin Mo's...that.

Hold! Hold! This is... this is crossing the line!

How could he sexualize his host like that? Even if his host looked good, he still wasn't a woman, okay? How could he... How could he do such things?

Shi Qing sat on his bed like a fool as his heart continued to beat rapidly. His entire person felt uncomfortable.

How did he accidentally end up a pervert? How was he going to continue staying with Qin Mo in the future?

At that time, the knocking from outside became louder. Blondie's voice could be heard through the door, "Xia Nuo, quick, you're going to be late, how did you end up waking up even later than I did? Quick, we can go on our holidays after we finish four-eye's class!"

Shi Qing woke up in an instant. He really did not dare to continue his rambling thoughts anymore. It was Saturday today but they still had a class at eight o'clock in the morning. It was only a short forty-minute class, then they would formally be in their holidays.

Since the graduate student's class schedule was truly packed full, they even had to slot in a class on Saturday mornings. Their class teacher was infamous for being difficult on his students. His nickname was four-eyes, but not because he wore glasses, it was because though he only had two eyes, his eyesight was as sharp as if he had four eyes.

If anyone dared to even think about taking attendance for anyone else under his watch, the only end they would get was simply death.

Xia Nuo had always been a good student, so Shi Qing did not wish to destroy his good reputation. He quickly got off his bed, got dressed, and after a simple washing up, he rushed out the door.

Seeing that he had come out, Blondie stuffed a Chinese pancake in his hands as well as a cup of soy milk, then the two ran off to their classes together.

When they reached the classroom, they managed to make it with ten minutes of free time to spare. Only then did the two start on their simple breakfast.

Shi Qing was very grateful to Blondie's thoughtfulness. Blondie said to him that since he was such a big help to this buddy of his, and how he did not manage to invite him out for dinner last night, just getting him a simple pancake for breakfast was only proper for him to do...

Shi Qing smiled. When he heard about last night being mentioned, his brain was a little in the clouds, and he could not help blushing a little.

Blondie just happened to be watching his face. Xia Nuo had a really good looking face, and while in the past, with him holding a straight face with his head down, he did not realize it, but the more he looked at him these days, the more good-looking he felt his face to be. Right now, since they had been running too quickly earlier(false), his cheeks were even red, making him appear just like a delicious peach that made him want to take a bite.

Damn, thinking about this, he really ended up craving for peaches. Sweet, soft, tender, and filled with juice, (﹃) his saliva was flowing down... With the food fanatic Blondie's mind now on a roll, not even ten horses could pull him back...

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