Raas chapter 58

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Shi Qing could not make a sound, he could only open his eyes wide to see the boy in front of him.

The scope of that unbridled explosion just now was much wider than expected, and Xia Nuo's body was that of a normal human after all. Even if Qi Zimo protected him, he had still been hit hard.

It felt like his entire skeleton was out of place, and it hurt so much that he couldn't help but grit his teeth. Shi Qing knew in his heart that this body couldn't last any longer, but he really didn't want to 'die' at this moment. Qi Zimo had already received such a strong stimulation, he really couldn't imagine what the boy would become if he died now!

He carried such an amazing power within him, and yet he hated the world so painfully much, that not even a trace of light could be found in his heart. It was simply a mirror of the adult version of Qin Mo.

No...this case was even more serious than Qin Mo. At the very least, Shi Qing still lived in Qin Mo's world; but in Qi Zimo's world, he was going to die!

No! He can't! He definitely can't die!

Shi Qing desperately tried to open his eyes, and even if his painful soul moaned and groaned, he still latched on to life. Even so, he could not stop the life from flowing out of this body.

In addition, his system soul was also gradually leaving the body. He couldn't make a sound, he could only watch with his eyes open as he tasted death once more, leaving behind only a deep regret within his heart.

Unfortunately, in the end, he still could not hold on. He was completely expelled from the body. Shi Qing floated up into the sky and his soul felt light, but his mind felt so heavy that he could hardly breathe.

He...still died in the end...

Looking at the state of his soul, he could only see the young and tender child holding onto a body that was much larger than his. He caressed him so gently, and carefully, just like a nestling that had finally found a place to belong, there was pure and unadulterated satisfaction.

Watching that scene, Shi Qing could only feel that it was like a sharp blade, cutting piece after piece from his heart and causing insurmountable pain.

This wasn't the ending he wanted...it shouldn't have been like this...

Wait! He suddenly woke up!

It wasn't the end yet! The save point! There was a save point!

He saved as soon as he first met Qi Zimo. He could load the file, he could start over! He could change everything! Xia Nuo wouldn't die, and Qi Zimo wouldn't have turned into this, they'll have an even better ending! They'll support each other, making up for what each of them lacked, and they can live in peace for a lifetime!

Shi Qing rushed back into the system space, but the scene that greeted him was like a bucket of cold water splashing over him...

He couldn't get in, couldn't get into the space he and Qin Mo shared. He appeared in the space of the 'system', the one from the very beginning. It was a bright white, and the only thing present was handbook-kun in the center.

What's going on? If he can't enter Qin Mo's system space, then he won't be able to load the file, and time won't turn back!

Shi Qing felt very anxious, but that helped nothing. He quickly went to the system handbook. Before he could even reach out his hand, the handbook opened on its own.

"The mission is still ongoing, unable to enter host's space/dimension."

Shi Qing's heart ran cold. Only then did he suddenly realize, the task was not over yet! Even though he's dead, Qin Mo was still in that world. As long as the host was still there, the task would continue until it was completed, or failed.

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