Raas chapter 11

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Just looking at the previous briefing, Shi Qing already felt a bit frightened; zombies, mutants, monsters...don't just bully cowards! Although he already died once, he was still incapable of accepting those supernatural things. Even before crossing over into this world, it had been a long time since he had seen a horror film. Having to actually enter into one of those science fiction worlds was the stuff of nightmares. It was likely that they would have to see and face so many zombies, this was surely courting death, ah!

Despite being a cloud of black fog, Shi Qing was clearly trembling. Even though he was frightened, he was well aware that he could not hide. Once he had finally regained his spirit, he continued examining the information.

Just as Shi Qing feared, the second world was rampant with zombies, and there were monsters everywhere. This world had subjected humanity to deep water and scorching fire.

Fortunately, however, the cause was scientific; at least it was not supernatural in origin.

A shady research organization had been studying genetic mutations in the human genome. They ventured into taboo human research practices in an attempt to create more powerful individuals that could be harnessed and used, but it led to an unprecedented disaster. The first batch of experimental subjects showed high levels of irritability, a loss of self-control, and a loss of sanity. Physically, they became far stronger, their nails got sharper, they felt no fear, and knew no pain; their fighting power was extremely high.

These experimental subjects were still under their control, and although they were basically semi-finished products, their development was a breakthrough to some extent. At least, they were able to achieve a rapid increase in power, and the despairing researchers could feel a tiny sliver of hope for their work.

In a series of experiments that lasted almost a year, and after a major surgery, the experimental subjects miraculously lost their extreme levels of irritability and became far more docile. Their incredible strength remained, but they seemed to have lost their ability to communicate. All that remained were empty, ignorant, and lifeless shells.

At this time, news of the experiments leaked to the outside world, and they were strongly denounced and questioned. After all, they were experimenting directly on the human body. Even though the experimental subjects were all criminals, in the eyes of the people it was still absolutely unforgivable.

Of course, since the research team dared to carry out such an experiment, it was easy to tell that they had powerful backers. They could have easily settled the controversy, but due to an unexpected major change in the country's political situation, the research team's backers did not take it seriously. They even disregarded their own reputations, and turned a blind eye to the whole situation.

Having lost support, although there were still troops guarding the facilities, they were caught in a surprise raid. The guards suffered heavy casualties, and the laboratory compound was compromised. Any scientists involved in the experiment were arrested. The laboratory was exposed, and the first generation test subjects were also revealed to the people.

Although the experimental subjects were powerful, repeated exposure to various pharmaceutical agents had left them stupid. They were as ignorant as three-year-old children. They were immediately sent to a medical center for treatment, and all efforts were directed towards restoring their lives.

However, tragedy was born from there.

From the laboratory to the hospital, because it was night, nothing peculiar was noted. At three in the morning, the experimental subjects were given a detailed examination, and then sent off to different wards.

After a single night of sleep, the peace of the world utterly collapsed when a nurse pulled back the curtains.

Bright sunlight streamed into the ward. Usually this warmth brought happiness to the sick, but the experimental subjects curled up in pain. A terrifying scene quickly unfolded before the eyes of those present.

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