Raas chapter 22

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This was a fantasy world, so when he began looking through the background information Shi Qing was not too surprised.  

After all, in his past life he read through many novels during his convalescence and they touched upon a wide variety of subjects. A few of the most commonly seen elements in Western fantasy novels were: humans, beastmen, elves, dwarves...a diverse number of races co-existing on a single continent.

So, since it was clear at first glance that beastmen dominated this world, he believed that it must be a Western fantasy based world full of species like taurens or orcs.  

Sounded like a pretty wild MAN, don't you think?!  

He continued reading down the screen full of joy and expectations, but the following content made him deeply understand how ignorant and inexperienced he truly was.  

The beastmen here were completely different from any beastmen that Shi Qing had read about before. There were neither tauren nor centaurs; not even the orcs that everyone was familiar with.  

They were genuine beasts—almost every major animal species was represented. There were fierce and violent beasts, as well as small beasts that were cute and docile. There were even beasts that seemed to have the special duty of acting cute for the last hundred years...  

These beasts had three developmental stages in their lives: childhood, adolescence, and adulthood.  

In the childhood stage, their appearance was completely that of an animal. In the adolescence stage, they transformed into the appearance of a human, but they still maintained some of the distinctive characteristics of their animal appearance, such as furry animal ears, long or curled tails, or else adorable little claws. Owing to the instability of this form, if they experienced any extreme mood fluctuations they would revert back to their animal form.  

Finally, those individuals in the adulthood stage had an entirely human form. They were able to fully conceal all of their animal characteristics and capable of freely transforming through the forms. Their human forms had some conveniences, and there were also certain benefits to their animal forms. After they reached adulthood and mastered switching between all three of their forms, they could use the benefits of any form to their advantage.  

All of this was completely acceptable to Shi Qing.  

It was the next piece of information that struck down his three worldviews.  

There were no women in this world! Oh no, to be accurate; there were no female beastmen! 

They were all men!  

Do you wonder how they breed?  

Very good, wonderful, the men in this world can get pregnant and have children!  

OH MY GOD! Shi Qing was sure that his eyes must be blind!  

Shi Qing first learned that two men could fall in love when he was a third year in high school, because at that time there were the life forms known as fujoshis in his school. The Shi family lineage was very high quality, and Shi Qing had inherited his mother's face. Although he was a boy, his appearance was excessively beautiful. If he was not so active and naughty, as well as being ultra-talkative and friendly, no one would guess. Whenever he was quiet, people would immediately have difficulties determining his gender.  

It was precisely for this reason that while he was in school, from time to time, he would find himself surrounded by a small group of girls. Initially, he was secretly delighted and felt like he was a man full of charisma and charm. Look, those girls were so enthusiastic!  

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