RAAS Chapter 2

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It took Shi Qing a long time to read through the "Quick Guide to Being a System" from beginning to end, and it was only thanks to his godly speed-reading skills. Otherwise, with its thickness equivalent to the Kangxi Dictionary, it would have taken him forever to finish it.

Unfortunately, he did not have any kind of photographic memory skills, so although he had now seen all of the information, and gained a vague understanding of it, to actually remember it all? That would be impossible.

After learning more about his situation, Shi Qing found himself feeling a bit melancholic. This system was truly amazing and

all-encompassing, covering thousands of things from the very simplest like getting food to fill your belly, all the way up to the power to defy the heavens. There were countless tools, gadgets and toys available, all this awesome and cool stuff, he could easily be the master, high-class, ruling over all, and lacking nothing in this world.

It's just that...Shi Qing was indignant over one thing. Why was he not a man?

The quick guide had very solemnly and clearly expressed, in several different places, that Shi Qing had inherited the system, and that he was the system itself, but...why, if he was the system, could he not move things within the system? What did it mean that, even though he was the system, he still needed to exchange points to obtain anything?

Which owner had to spend money on his own treasure house? Should that not be unnecessary? Unless, of course you are not the true master, but just a small gatekeeper.

The clever and quick-witted Shi Qing thought things over, and suddenly everything became clear at once.

Ha ha ha, so it seems I'm just a gatekeeper ah, and my feelings towards these piles of treasures don't matter since they belong to others ah.

Then striving for world domination is only a dream that can be fulfilled by others as well? Does this mean I'll never have the chance to live life with a beautiful, mature woman in my left arm, and a charming loli in my right arm, while a group of loyal brothers follow me around?

Ha ha ha ha your face yo!

The more Shi Qing thought about it, the angrier he grew. How could this master take the treasures and then hand them over to others while cupping his hands? Please, he is not the Holy Father of the world, he would much rather keep these things for himself!

Shi Qing halted that train of thought, revisited the quick guide, and began to plan how he was going to occupy it all for himself.

He turned to the 'How to Earn System Points' chapter. The manual clearly documented that Shi Qing must first find a host, and then establish a contract with them. Once the host had completed the tasks that the system has assigned them, they would be awarded the coinciding number of points. At the same time he, as the system, would be awarded 50% of the host reward total.

Shi Qing's wandering soul floated about, very dissatisfied with this binding treaty—could it be more hateful?

Originally, he had never intended to find a host. However, without a host he has no way to earn points; not to mention that pile of treasures, even having a body would be out of reach...

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