Raas chapter 57

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A smug smirk was plastered across Qi Rui's face, and his eyes were filled with malice as he looked at the child before him.

Weren't you proud? Weren't you smart? So what? You're still just trash!

Qi Rui...had already gone insane!

Compared to Shi Qing's anger, Qi Zimo was calm. It was as if he had not heard a single thing. Both his black eyes were locked onto Shi Qing, to the point where he could not see anything else.

Qi Rui dragged Shi Qing into his arms and pointed his gun right at his temple. Speaking in a composed tone, he threatened, "You want him? Then you'd better behave yourself."

Without diverting his gaze in the slightest, Qi Zimo asked in a still voice, "What do you want?"

Qi Rui replied, "What do I want? You already know, yet you still ask! I want you to give me my reputation back. I want you to admit your own evil doings, and release your true nature, you madman!" Then, he sniggered before speaking in excitement, "I want you to give up your inheritance rights to the Qi family!"

An insurmountable rush of joy burst into his heart. It was as if a big burden had been pressing down on his head through his entire life, and it was suddenly gone. He quickly lifted his head in excitement, causing him to appear even more smug.

"Ahahah! You've actually already given up. With your useless dimension, you don't even have the qualifications to be admitted to school, how could you inherit the Qi family? Don't even think about..."

"Alright, I promise you."

When his demands were accepted so quickly, Qi Rui felt rather stunned. Even so, he was very quickly overjoyed again. If he had known how much Qi Zimo treasured this brat, he would've done this long ago!

However, he would not be underestimating Qi Zimo again. So what if he said it? Only actual actions were reliable.

He finally managed to press down the mirth on his face, and ordered the person at the side to bring out the equipment they had prepared previously, then aimed it at Qi Zimo.

Shi Qing's body could not move, and he could not speak, but he could still see what was happening.

What they prepared was a full set of cameras. In an instant, he understood what Qi Rui wanted to do...Shi Qing's fury was nearly enough to burst out from his heart like a volcano. He had never hated someone this much in his life! He hated him to death! Why did he have to bully a child? Why did he have to go so far? He was only eleven, and had never done anything bad. Why did he have to ruin his life like this?

He truly could not stand it any longer. He wanted to scream out loudly. With Qi Zimo's ability, he could escape by himself. Ignore that crazy bastard, and stop worrying about him as well. He couldn't die, he was a system, he wouldn't die no matter what!

Unfortunately, all the words that came to his mouth became muffled grunts, he couldn't say anything at all!

Oh right! He could send a system message!

Shi Qing sent a message to Qi Zimo immediately, telling him to leave quickly, and not to worry about him.

In just a short few seconds, Qi Zimo's reply came, "I won't leave you."

Shi Qing quickly responded, "I'll be fine, I'm a system so I won't die. As long as you leave, I'll get out of here immediately!"

"..." Qi Zimo, "That...That's what mom said when she left too. I'm sorry, I don't want to be cheated again."

Shi Qing looked at that reply, and he was speechless. The only thing left was an immeasurable feeling of sourness and annoyance spreading through his chest.

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