Raas chapter 37

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The feeling was unfamiliar at first, but he became well accustomed to it soon enough. Three times or four times, it did not matter.

Shi Qing was now able to remain perfectly unruffled. So what if skin was sticking to skin and he had been gathered into an embrace again? Anyways, everything was wrong in that outlandish world, it did not matter to him!

Compared to first several times where he had left the bed swiftly, he was far more calm this time. He took that unoccupied time to allow his thinking to diverge.

That went on until Qin Mo's hands grew more and more dishonest. They actually began to slide down his waist, passing by his lower abdomen, while Qin Mo leaned in close to his ear and whispered, "Shi Qing."

Such an intimate conversation, so close that he could feel the other's hot breath tickling his ear, coupled with those ambiguous words, caused Shi Qing's calm heartbeat to speed up considerably.

What calm and collected! This small grandpa cannot handle this, this grandpa needs to put on his pants and run!

He had not even jumped out of bed when his arm was grabbed and he was thrown down on the bed. His head missed the pillow, hit the soft mattress, and his hair was instantly in complete disorder.

Short hair covered his forehead, just sweeping across his eyebrows due to its length. His eyes were slightly narrowed, causing their originally rounded shape to become more like a crescent. His delicate nose, along with the slightly open pink lips below, all glowing in the early morning sunshine, created a very seductive appearance indeed.

It seemed as if...he was being seduced, enticed.

Qin Mo's eyes appeared bottomless. He felt like he was experiencing the restlessness he had felt when he was in the beastman world and his heart was ignited. He desperately wanted to lower his head and kiss, to taste those soft lips. He knew from experience that he would taste a sweetness that would invade his heart and body, a refreshing feeling that would be able to ease the raging beast within him.

In that brief moment when he was lost in thought, Shi Qing unexpectedly made a clever move and seized the opportunity to extricate his body out from beneath him. He practically flew towards the wardrobe, took out his clothes and got dressed hurriedly, and then rushed towards the door. In the end, Qin Mo could only pull a wry face.

Qin Mo continued to stare blankly, but shortly after revealed a slight smiling expression.

Shi Qing turned his head and caught that look by coincidence. His originally ridiculing mood was instantly frozen. A surge of emotions all welled up in his mind at once as he just stood there silly.

It was truly good-looking, Qin Mo's smile...

At that moment, according to the regular pattern, a knock at the door came. Su Rui tried to remain calm, but his voice still belied a faint fury, "Shi Qing! Get up!"

Very good, that time he was even more succinct. Fellow Su Rui, you are becoming more and more disrespectful!

Shi Qing finally collected his thoughts, quickly shifted his eyes to look down at the floor, and then said, "We should finish our mission without delay. Two days cannot be regarded as too long. Although there are no penalties for failure, there are no rewards either. That would truly be a pity."

Qin Mo looked at him for quite a while, then gently said, "En."

Shi Qing immediately felt as if he was relieved from a burden and relaxed. However, in the end even he himself was not clear on exactly what heavy burden he had been liberated from.

Su Rui finally managed to be a little smarter in the current attempt. He took that damned ketchup and moved it out of reach before sitting at the table. Without much extra effort, he prudently took all of the liquids on the table that could spill and shifted them to a safer location, fearful that the past would somehow repeat itself.

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