Raas chapter 18

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When they moved from the system space back to Qin Mo's world, it felt like they had been given a taste of heaven and then fallen down into hell.

The entire time they were carrying out their mission, time stood still. Due to that, when they returned to the world Qin Mo was still in the barrel filled with dark, corrosive medicine.

He need not mention what Qin Mo was feeling, Shi Qing himself exerted all of his strength in an attempt to shrink back from the medicine's effects. The pain was fucking terrible—it felt like it pierced through to his bones.

Shi Qing was sure that since Qin Mo had redeemed some points to acquire a teleportation scroll, he would immediately make use of it and escape. The pain was enough to make a person lose their mind.

Contrary to his expectations, Qin Mo did not leave. After he suffered through the initial pain, he quietly leaned back against the side of the barrel and seemed to calmly enjoy the medicinal bath that could rend one's body and organs.

Standing off to the side, Lu Jiuyuan did not know anything of Qin Mo's experience. He only saw Qin Mo's calm and waveless appearance from beginning to end. He actually experienced a short spell of apprehension because he did not expect that Qin Mo had such strong determination, allowing him to tolerate such hellish torture.

Across the entire Lingyun mainland, this type of temperament was extremely rare.

In the cultivation world, one's natural aptitude and comprehension made up part of their abilities, and at the same time their temperament also occupied a large proportion. High aptitude allowed a person to advance quickly in the early stages and excellent comprehension allowed them to break through the bottlenecks inherent to the middle stages. However, it was a strong heart and clear temperament that could help a person make the final climb and ultimately reach the pinnacle.

Amazingly, Qin Mo was excellent in all three areas.

He was truly heaven's chosen son!

The conceited Lu Jiuyuan had an unprecedented premonition that Qin Mo was a tremendous threat!

His scarlet eyes flashed and grew hazy with emotion: Qin Mo, my good son, your father will personally destroy you!

The medicinal properties of the 'clay bone' medicine bath were very strong and could quickly restore a ravaged body and restore a certain level of cultivation. Although it was excruciating, anyone would have to admit that this was a miraculous medicine.

However, they could not rush too quickly. Despite the fact that Lu Jiuyuan wanted Qin Mo to suffer in pain day and night, he pressed down the anger within his heart and stopped adding more medicinal ingredients to the barrel.

At this time, an ink feather eagle soared in so fast it was like a bolt of black lightning. In the blink of an eye it landed on Lu Jiuyuan's forearm.

They saw the eagle land on Lu Jiuyuan's arm and start pecking the hollow of his palm. Lu Jiuyuan frowned faintly and looked over at Qin Mo, then waved his long-sleeved arm. That motion laid down a purple enchantment which shrouded everything within a radius of three meters.

There was no one on the entire Lingyun continent capable of breaking through the powerful boundary set up by him, a ninth rank dujie stage cultivator.

Lu Jiuyuan felt assured and left.

Qin Mo suddenly opened his ink-black eyes that twinkled like stars in the night sky.

However, he did not act immediately. Instead, he listened intently and waited for a quarter of an hour until Lu Jiuyuan's spiritual awareness completely withdrew. Only then did he stand up and exit the medicinal bath that resembled a pool of sludge.

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