Raas 70

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Open... What kind of joke? !

Shi Qing could not help but wink his eyes, looking at Qin desert with a look of surprise.

But immediately, he returned to God, and quickly collected his expression, and he happily sighed for a while, and felt that his brain circuit was too strange.

When the third brother reached the age, it was not normal to find the object. He was amazed.

Besides, this time they have been arranging to give each other a blind date, not a day or two, and picked a few, Ye Xin and Ye Qing have long known.

Li Xia is Ye Hao's most optimistic, both home and cultivation, very good, of course, the most important thing is that Li Xia is a healthy and excellent omega. To be straightforward, the body is very good and very healthy.

This alone is true, and Ye Ye is satisfied. Being able to live well, the next generation of Ye Family must be flourishing.

Think about it this way, Shi Qing feels that he should not be surprised, it is not a rare thing...

But my heart still can't help but hehehehehehehehehehehehehe!

Madan! Not good! Super unhappy! Why? Ghost knows!

Qin Mo asked the detailed place, and then said to Shi Qing: "Hungry? Let's go together."

Hungry! Hehehehe, full of it!

Shi Qing wanted to say that he would stay with Ye Xin, but the words had not been opened yet, and Qin Mo took him away.

When I got on the plane, I only reacted to myself on the thief boat. Who wants to accompany you to the blind date! The blind date is still with his younger brother. Is this for him to help? He doesn't have time! Who wants to see a man!

Who do you want to find, who is not good with me?

As usual, Qin Mo discovered the careful thoughts of Shi Qing early in the morning, but now he is also being shocked.

For the sake of others, this idea has not been passed in his mind for hundreds of years. When was he, he has put Shiqing in such a position?

Will change his mind because of his will, will unconsciously move his mind.

He always knew that he must be exclusive, but when did he start trying to understand the time?

This kind of emotion has really not been experienced for too long.

However, if it is Shi Qing, he can try again.

Because they signed the contract, because they only have each other, because if this person betrayed him, he has reason to hold him in his hands forever and beside him. He has long forgotten what is let go, only knowing aggression and possession.

Qin Mo smiled unconsciously, and this kind of smile from the heart was especially dazzling.

If it is normal, Shiqing looks at the drooling, but at this moment, the more he looks, the more unhappy he is.

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