raas 88

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Shi Qing was awakened. He had a nightmare. In his dream, he was like a madman, trying his best to kill Qin.

And Qin Mo is still moving...

When the heart was pinned, Shi Qing opened his eyes and found himself in a completely strange place, black and lacquered, like a cave.

He couldn't take care of the situation around him, only looking around.

Qin Mo... Qin Mo?

Qin Mo is not here.

The heart panicked, and Shi Qing quickly jumped from the well-prepared jade bed and rushed toward the front door.

He has to find Qin Mo, he wants to see Qin Mo.

The scared hands shook, and when the Qing was stiff, his head was snarky, he couldn't think of anything, just want to know one thing, Qin Mo, Qin Mo, where is he!

Just out of the door, I met a hard chest, and the clear breath instantly surrounded him. When Qing Qing looked up, she saw the familiar face.

Even in the dark caves, it is still a dazzling man.

Qin Mo... his host.

The heart fell back into the chest, and Qing looked at him, then wrapped around his neck and forced him up.

Scared to death, his heart is almost stopped, fortunately, just a dream.

How could he face the Qin Mo sword? How could he hurt Qin Mo? Impossible, absolutely impossible.

The clumsy kiss succeeded in exchange for a fierce response. The lips were red and swollen because of the intense friction. The tip of the tongue was numb, but Qing didn't want to loose it. He wanted Qin to kiss him, like before. Every time, rude, enthusiastic, with a strong possessive and non-stop request.

He even went crazy and wanted to let Qin Mojin enter into this completely strange and completely unknown place, and possess him...

It seems that only this way can the horrible nightmare be swept away from the brain.

However, the host stopped him, hugged the boy who was still trembling in his arms, and gently kissed his nose and said: "Don't worry, I will take you to a place."

When Shi Qing looked at him, his eyes did not move away from his face from beginning to end. When he heard the words of Qin Mo, he nodded slyly.

Qin Mo distressed and touched his lips again, locked the soul mirror to lock the soul, Shi Qing should have no memory, but it seems that there are still some bad impressions.

Appeasefully caressing his back, Qin Mo was very patient and waited for Qing to calm down, and then in order to distract him, took his hand out of this small ear pier.

I didn't use the technique, but walked slowly with hands. After about three or four minutes, they turned into another passage. All the way, the surrounding spar felt like echoing, gradually rising and softening. Soft warm yellow glow.

If it is normal, Shi Qing has long looked at it, and he was very curious, but now he has no mood at all.

He felt that it was not enough to hold the hand of Qin Mo, and his heart was still uneasy and uneasy.

But Qin Mo wants to take him to a place, he must follow.

Passing through the passage, there is a huge stone door. Under the illuminating light of the spar, the black stone door reflects the faint white light. When you look at it carefully, you can see the numerous fine lines on it. Wrapped around the entire stone gate, it is dense and dense, and it is far from clear, but it is too close, so people can't help but scalp numbness, too close, and there is still a strong **** suffocation.

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