Raas chapter 19

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When Shi Qing hovered on the borderline of reality within the True Cultivation Realm (Qin Mo's world) after leaving the system's space, he found himself trapped in a dilemma...

He examined his host, determined that he was obviously abnormal, and he grew apprehensive in his heart.

Host, you are shrouded in black smoke from head to toe! The black mud deep in your heart is rushing out okay!

It was just five minutes, what happened?

What poked his host's dumpling so aggressively that it burst and sent sesame seed filling everywhere? The culprit should quickly come out! Don't let I, your father, take the blame!

Shi Qing sent his awareness out to probe the surrounding area, but he really did not find any other existences. He shifted his line of sight and could clearly see that Qin Mo had something in his hands. Was that grey thing not his jade pendant body?

Host, so your "affectionate look" is like so?

As a few details clicked in for him, Shi Qing's heart started thumping and a new notion crossed his mind.

Could it be that...His cold but awesome host went mad when he thought that he was abandoned? He was cast into a cold, dark and gloomy cave. He was all alone, solitary and impoverished, and pitiful...

Shi Qing wanted to support himself by holding onto something: Please don't joke, the style is entirely wrong!

Shi Qing did not hesitate to go down; it was a matter of vital importance that he get all the items he had procured to Qin mo in order to warm him up. If he continued to delay, the comforter he had purchased would be useless.

Without taking too much time to think, Shi Qing slipped out of the system space, flitted back into the jade pendant, and looked at Qin Mo face to face.


Before he had time to finish speaking he found himself unable to utter another sound.

An immense surge of power suddenly erupted and the walls of their small pocket within the cave could not bear the violent torrent. The nearby walls shattered, the wind caused all the rocks to dance about the air, mud flowed wildly, and a strong and frantic tornado was unleashed within the huge cavern.

In the middle of the vortex stood a man, his black hair flying in every direction and his face sinking down into darkness. His gaze was fixed upon the jade pendant in his hands and he did not say a word.

At that time Shi Qing was obviously silent, because he had the ominous feeling that if he said the wrong thing his body would be torn and his bones crushed!

His mind went blank for a few seconds, and then a small animal-like instinct prompted him to justify himself desperately, "I went back to the system space and used some points to get you a change of clothes, a quilt, and a bunch of food!"

The clear voice rang out in the spacious and empty cave, and rebounded off the walls, which magnified the volume. It allowed a person to hear it more distinctly; the tones of eagerness and a subtle softness were both unconsciously revealed.

Qin Mo's black eyes were as cold as ice; it was to the point that you could almost feel a brisk wind, yet as he stood noiselessly the chill began to wane a little...

Qin Mo tightly gripped the jade pendant, still staring at it without even blinking his eyes once.

Although it was quite scary, Shi Qing was also acutely aware that at that moment the encompassing atmospheric pressure was obviously increasing! It seemed like he somehow needed to get a handle on this psychopath, so frankly explaining where he was should be a remedy with fast results!

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