Raas 103

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Sin is really shocked.

This feeling is like, just met a new friend, yesterday, I still don't want to run around, don't sway, be obedient, wake up, wake up, I wipe, new friends become the king of the country's presidential world or more Exaggerated, simply evolved into Superman Spider-Man Steel God of War! This...this...this rhythm...can you play happily!

Back in the first second of the source world, Xiner is still screaming at his family's sulking host. He turned his head and was shocked by the news of the world!

The poachers and the law-seekers fought in the battle, and the last two **oss even yelled together, and the person who defeated them was actually his good friend!

Shi Qing and Qin Mo!

Looking at the world is the name and image of both of them, Xiner really does not know what face to face, silence for half an hour, then he turned his head and looked at his host, pointing The two men who were cold and arrogant on the big screen, and then they said, "It's them... I mentioned it before... my, savior..."

His home host: ==!

The source world has become a mess of porridge.

Astrahis and Xia Xun disappeared, and the Association of Independent Alliances and the Society of Lawmakers collapsed instantly.

Organizations that are violently suppressed and tempted by interest, after losing the balance, are exposed to a lot of problems.

The independent league has always been famous. The so-called barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes. The cadres of the independent league can't afford the two characters, but it is no problem to find a bite.

At this time they also learn to be smart, you make up my reputation, I will also splash your face dirty water.

The dark side of the orderer was turned over, and the degree of disgusting was really staggering.

The Sheriffs Association does not devour the system, but what they do, compared with the direct phagocytic system of the independent alliance, is really not too much!

Because of the perennial war with poachers, more than half of the host's host lost the system, and no system wants to survive to re-enact other people's systems.

But the orderers are so eager to fight the banner of the guardian system, secretly do not say, at least on the surface is determined to do not do this kind of thing, so they have another way, came up with a way to share the system.

To seize the excellent system, let a system supply a number of hosts at the same time, so that it solves the urgent need of the host door, but even a little bit does not consider the system's will.

The power of the system is limited, and signing a contract with a host is a win-win situation, but signing with multiple hosts at the same time is tantamount to self-harm.

After being kept on demand, the system dies, and the law-seekers will look for new systems again and again. In order not to reveal secrets, the system will be imprisoned. On the surface, it is protection, but it is for abuse.

With this breakthrough, the orderers are more whimsical, their system qualifications are not excellent, simply spoof an excellent system, anyway, into the thief, involuntarily, disobedient? There are always obedient tricks to make you surrender.

Xia Xun left too awkwardly, Xia Zhe was also affected by the rescue of him, and he was seriously injured. Both leaders fell down, and the former Association of Lawmakers was full of loopholes.

These things have also been stunned by poachers.

Ok, you guys are disgusting, we are doing more things than we are perverted!

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