Raas chapter 28

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Before Yalike's mind was taken over, he was an arrogant man who would not acknowledge his mistakes. Not even if he died. Of course, he had outstanding abilities and his contributions were numerous, so the beastmen showed more tolerance towards him. They did not tug at him too much, after all, every home had its own matters right?

Even regarding the affair with Aimiya, the beastmen were only just beginning to dislike things. They were disappointed with the situation, but they could only stand in a circle and watch, waiting expectantly for their chief to wake up.

As long as Yalike separated from that beauty before he botched things up, they would not snub the sub-beast and they would still be willing to forgive him.

However, even if they beat him to death, no one expected that Yalike would ever stoop to apologize to them!

The quiet at first came from their disbelief, but the carousing afterwards came straight from their hearts!

Yalike's attitude was now upright, modest, and more moderate, yet he did not lose that wise and farsighted, heroic aura from the past. Not only did he let go of the outsider Aimiya, but he also repaired the relationship between he and Yier and brought them much closer together. The various species of beastmen felt their original dissatisfaction and frustration go up in smoke.

At that time, Da Bai stood up and gave a detailed explanation of what happened.

So, actually, as it turned out!

Aimiya actually colluded with a beastman of the Kro Tribe and communicated with their enemies in a vain attempt to topple the Yassin Tribe's political power!

The reason Yalike was behaving so absurdly was because he was unexpectedly under the influence of passion-confusing powder!

Passion-confusing powder was the most offensive drug for beastmen. If it was taken by a beastman, the power of their heat over their mind would be doubled and their wildness and power would be uncontrolled, surging through their bodies in waves. If they were not pacified by a sub-beast they could actually explode and die.

The beastman in that state had no resistance whatsoever to any sub-beast that presented themselves at the door. Aimiya had long ago developed his abilities as a sub-beast, so he was matchless when it came to his ability to control a beastman in that state through their desires.

After being drugged and then psychologically controlled, it was no wonder that Yalike would be so captivated by and even crazy about Aimiya in such a short time.

After hearing this explanation, the beastmen were even more stirred up.

As expected, their chief was not the scum they had begun to imagine him to be!

Leaning forward in his position in Qin Mo's palm, Shi Qing could not stop his mouth from dropping open. He got to see such a good show so early in the morning, how could he begin to express his complex mood?

Should he admire the extraordinary acting of his host? Or should he sigh with sorrow at this purely nonsensical white-washing?

Passion-confusing powder your sister! Yalike was merely confused my ass! Yalike was, pure and simple, being his high-maintenance, sinful self. Yalike was completely delighted to kneel down below Aimiya's skirt, unwilling to manage his responsibilities due to his arrogance. He was under the impression that he was the greatest under heaven and that he alone held supremacy, so he thought he had no limits to his actions and disregarded his proper business.

However, now that Qin Mo wanted to regain the peoples' hearts and unite the populace, it was unavoidable that they must wash Yalike's scum behaviour white at once. The passion-confusing powder was indeed a good excuse.

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