Raas chapter 34

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Carter was going all out at the risk of his life and the results were very obvious.

The intensification of the military meant that all the beastmen in the army should be enhanced. It was not difficult to accomplish, but it was very risky. After the enhancement of the beastmen's fighting strength, then it should be a cinch for them to withstand even ten enemies. Yet, at the same time, after the intensification was complete then the beastmen would enter a period of strength depletion. During that period, even a small beast could take them down.

Therefore, in general, the intensified troops were divided into smaller squadrons, their role to surprise attack and help control the battlefield. After the enhanced period was completed they were quickly replaced, allowing the troops proper time to adjust and rest. If they wanted to be enhanced again, it required a lot of resources, plenty of medicine, and the presence of sub-beasts. This was obviously very difficult to provide to an army engaged in combat.

As a result of Carter's actions, they were really putting their lives at risk with this mission.

Either win or die, there was no other way out.

However, this point also proved that Carter truly deserved to be the chief of a high-level tribe, he truly had that imposing attitude. Although it seemed very risky, the other side only had three brigades. They already outnumbered them by ten to three, so after they enhanced the whole army it practically became one hundred to three. They would not dare to claim that they could instantly break through the other side's defense, but from a conservative point of view, with their enhanced troops a speedy handling of their enemy's defenses was certain to be no problem!

Once they had occupied the resources, there would be time to recover. If they made use of the large amounts of resources and plentiful medicines, then forcibly took the other tribe's sub-beasts, then they may be able to catch up with the Yassin Tribe's reinforcements and stall their momentum. This thought reinvigorated them.

Carter believed he was right. However, when they carried out their operation, they truly discovered that the Yassin Tribe's soldiers were fearless and valiant!

In addition, Yalike was an even tougher and more formidable warrior than they could have anticipated. He was fighting without enhancement against enhanced beastmen, easily holding his own against three at a time. If his sub-beast matured and became capable of intensifying his strength, the power would be truly terrifying.

Carter could not help thinking that if he was able to survive this, no matter what price he paid, he would definitely kill Chief Yalike's exclusive sub-beast!

Owing the the enhancement of the beastmen troops it had become truly fierce. Even if Qin Mo had received a few injuries, if anything arose that was related to Shi Qing and setting him aside as a sub-beast, then he would immediately stand up and fight without any scruples.

When Shi Qing woke up, he saw that Qin Mo's left arm had been injured. Blood flowed steadily from the wound, the flesh around the laceration was torn up, and even a quick glance was enough to realize that it must be exceedingly painful.

However, this wound was not really worth mentioning to Qin Mo. When he heard Shi Qing's voice, he just serenely said, "It's nothing."

Yet, no matter what, Shi Qing could not tear his eyes away from it.

Logically speaking, Qin Mo had encountered countless tribulations in his own world. Those who imposed on him there were more than a hundred times stronger than the current enemies. At that time, Shi Qing was spitting with rage, but it was completely different from the present situation. His heart was thumping wildly and it ached deeply.

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