Raas chapter 8

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The Second Prince Rongxiang learned early in the morning that something had happened in the Blue Jade Palace. When he approached, the moment the smell hit his nose, he staggered and almost feel to the ground.

He knew that Emperor Xuan Cheng had an incredibly sensitive nose, and was affected by every little smell. Otherwise, Concubine Li would not have to spend excessive amounts of money purchasing spices in order to burn them every day...

And now, Concubine Li was actually producing such a foul body odour—to the point that she caused the Emperor to faint. This was simply a disaster. As of now, the situation was not clear. The Empress still held the Emperor's seal in her palm, and the Crown Prince had no significant tarnishes on his reputation. If Concubine Li fell out of favor, would he gain a further advantage?

With this fear and anxiety weighing on him heavily, Rongxiang went straight to the Blue Jade Palace early in the morning—as soon as he heard the news. He wanted to see what had happened, but he did not expect his father, the Emperor, to actually be there!?

Was it possible that this horrible mess could actually turn out for the better? A hint of excitement began sprouting in his heart. Rongxiang quickly walked into the palace, and when he had barely set foot inside, he was inundated with the foulest stench he had ever encountered. He grew dizzy, and before he could be greeted...he fainted...

The palace was thrown into a flurry of activity; it had become Yuxiang's special duty to prepare and provide wet, scented handkerchiefs to all who entered.

Desperately holding the wet cloth over his mouth, Rongxiang stood in the greeting line; he could not help the cold, sinking feeling in his heart. His mother's malodour was enough to have her removed to the Cold Palace; it was truly a miracle she was allowed to remain here...

When Rongxiang heard that soaking in the hot springs for three hours would remove the smell, his eyes instantly brightened. He stepped forward and requested, "Father Emperor; I, your son and servant, am willing to escort my mother, the Imperial Concubine, to the Luofang Palace."

Emperor Xuan Cheng thought, in his heart; the effect of this medicinal pill was unquestionable. Concubine Li's appearance had reverted to its youthful vitality, and her gorgeous looks were enhanced. Not only did her beauty move his heart, but it gave him hope. Since there was a way to deal with the stench, if he also took this pill...could he also restore his youth? At that time, where would he have to worry about the power held by the Crown Prince?

With those thoughts, he endured the stench and returned to the Blue Jade Palace. He had not dared to believe that the odour could be remedied.

After listening to Rongxiang's petition, the Emperor acquiesced, and then remarked, "You have a sincere heart and your filial piety is admirable, we will go up together."

Rongxiang was extremely pleased, and Concubine Li also revealed a joyful expression.

Shortly after they began the journey to the Luofang Palace, a small eunuch quietly retreated and rushed back toward the Crowned Prince's quarters.

Shi Qing was still being held within Qin Mo's palm, so although he could not see the eunuch coming, it did not prevent him from excitedly listening to the small eunuch report on the situation. When he heard that the Emperor and Concubine Li were currently en route towards Luofang Palace, a solution quickly entered his mind.

In the Imperial Palace, Qin Mo lacked the means to kill the Emperor and escape the blame. However, at Luofang Palace, even if there were guards deployed, there were bound to be some exploitable weaknesses in his protection. Not to mention, the old Emperor had devised this trip hastily, so their planning could only be so meticulous.

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