Raas chapter 48

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Qi Zimo slept very deeply. No matter how strong his consciousness was, he was after all only ten years old. After holding on for so long, he was truly at his limits.

Due to the fact that his memories had been sealed, some of the exercises Qin Mo had been using to adjust his body had been forgotten. Due to that, there was no way for him to recover quickly. As for why Qi Zimo was able to endure without fainting directly or getting sick, it was all thanks to how Qin Mo had spent most of his points on strengthening his body.

Even though he was sleeping so deeply, his left hand was still holding Shi Qing tight with a death grip. His grip was so strong that even an adult like Shi Qing had no way to break free.

Of course, Shi Qing had no intentions of breaking away. He brought Qin Mo back to his car and wanted to allow him to get enough sleep first. Otherwise, if he went home in such a way, both Father and Mother Nuo would definitely be shocked silly.

It was fine if he had only made friends with a little kid, but why was his little friend holding onto Shi Qing so tightly without letting go? How was his obsession so strong that he would not let go, even while he was asleep?

That would not be easy to explain. However, in truth, Shi Qing did not even know how he was going to explain this to Yan Qi.

Thankfully, Yan Qi had always obeyed Qi Zimo without question, so he did not ask anything at all.

He had arrived home at around 10 o'clock in the morning, whilst Qi Zimo ended up sleeping all the way until four in the afternoon.

With Shi Qing at his side, besides being slightly hungry, he did not feel annoyed in the slightest. It felt like the sky was already going down in the blink of an eye.

Qi Zimo slept very well, but when he woke up, he had woken abruptly in shock.

His black eyes swept open without any hint of haziness, and they were sharp like the edge of a blade. However, after he saw the youth by his side, he calmed down again.

Just like a cheetah retracting its claws, he had returned from his fierce offensive state to his current relaxed and calm state in an instant.

——Only because his prey had not run away.

Shi Qing would not have thought of that, all he saw was the young boy being awoken from his dreams, and could not help but worry, "Did you have a nightmare?"

Qi Zimo ignored his questions, instead deciding to stare at the person in front of him: soft, short hair, beautiful eyes, a shapely nose, and rosy lips all paired up to create a very good-looking face. Even so, he could also be very sure that he had never seen him before.

Why would he feel such a strong sense of familiarity from someone he did not know at all? That pull was so strong it felt as if this person was his possession, that he belonged only to him. He could not ever bear to let him go, even if it was just for a minute.

That was abnormal. Due to the environment he had grown up in, having vigilance against a stranger was something that was simply part of him. To have such a strong obsession towards someone he had met for the first time was really inexplicable, even to him.

Even so, he did not wish to let go at all, and he would never think of doing so.

Qi Zimo could not stop himself from holding Shi Qing's hand. He could not explain what he was feeling, but he did not want to reject it. Just leave it like this, he belonged to him after all, that's what he told him.

Qi Zimo was silent, but Shi Qing thought he had guessed correctly, and quickly tried to comfort him, "It's fine, don't worry, I'm right here."

Qi Zimo raised his head to look at him, and his lips curled up into a smile, "Mm."

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