Raas chapter 53

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The headline was shocking, and the content was staggering.

What happened that night had never been a secret, especially after they called the police. The reporters with good sense had followed them over as soon as possible, and though they could not enter the house, that did not affect their observations from the outside.

Two ambulances came. Both Qi Zihui and Qi Zirui were also celebrities in the Lanxin District; they had power, money, and an outstanding dimension. On top of having that pretentious look, they would indulge themselves in promiscuity quite often, and also had some ambiguous relationships with several pretty ladies in the entertainment circle.

Therefore, they have long been making appearances in the newspapers. Though their faces may not be known by any ordinary person, the entertainment circle remembers them very clearly.

Even if their teeth were gone now and their faces were all bloody, in addition to having their eyes rolled behind their heads, they could still be distinguished as Eldest Young Master Qi and Second Young Master Qi. With bright flashes pointed towards their faces, a few close-up shots were thrown in.

The reporters were all still imagining what the two brothers could have done when all of a sudden, the great Master Qi, Qi Rui, had been dragged out in shackles.

Oh fuck! Now that's explosive content!

The cameras were clicking away and Qi Rui had yet to come back to his senses at that time. He was still trying to defend himself to the police, "It wasn't me, I didn't hurt Qi Zimo, it was he who..."

When the reporters heard those words, energy surged into their brains in an instant and they were all filled with excitement.

Oh my fucking god, what a big event! This was a real case of rich family domestic brutality, a big war between the uncle and his nephew, even the knives had been pulled out and lives were put in danger!

With an entire bowl of dog blood splashing over their faces, it was simply enough to get the citizens talking happily for at least a year!

Even though the Qi residence guards appeared very quickly and instantly sent the reporters away, those two pieces of information was already enough to rouse enough noise from them to turn over the sky.

All sorts of ideas came crashing into their minds; Qi Rui, Qi Zihui and Qi Zirui, these father and son trio practically had their names blacked out!

Meanwhile, the 'severely wronged' Qi Zimo who had been hurt by that crazy madman was being showered with sympathy by the people who did not know what had happened.

My god, how pitiful, this child was only ten years old!

Yet already, by his uncle, and his cousins...

It's all the power! The money! It's hard coming from a noble family! It's all scandals!

This one sided opinion made it so that Qi Rui and his entire family had no way of raising their heads. They could only stay at home with their heads hidden, not a single one of them dared to go outside.

If you said that the disdain of the people was barely anything, then the punishment waiting for them at the government's side would be big trouble!

The government was established jointly by noble families, and for such a thing to happen in the Qi family, as well as Old Man Qi's departure, they now had the right to dispose of these perpetrators.

If Qi Rui's crimes were to be set in stone, then there was no need to mention anything else, they would have no problems throwing him into jail for at least several decades. Also, Qi Lu would then have a reason to remove him from the Qi family registry.

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