Raas chapter 36

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Did time go in reverse?

Shi Qing was in a panicked state. He seriously examined the actions he had just performed in his memory. Although it was only about five or six minutes, he could confirm that Su Rui rushed in and found him with Qin Mo...his face showed how shocked he was before he slammed the door. After that, Shi Qing jumped out of bed and put on his clothes...He had not finished putting on his jacket, and yet he ended up back in bed!

Was it possible that it was a hallucination? Was he merely dreaming?

How could it feel so real? In addition, how could he even come up with such a senseless dream?

Shi Qing did not understand, so he turned around to look at Qin Mo. Qin Mo was not in the same playful mood he had just been in, and his eyes also displayed some misgivings, "Didn't you put on clothes just a moment ago?" He spoke as if he was merely stating some general facts, while at the same time he reached forward to stroke the other's waist and held on.

Shi Qing felt very ticklish, and exerted all of his strength to shrink away, then hurried to say, "Yes yes! I definitely left the bed and put on some clothes, got completely ready to go out, but now I've come back!"

Qin Mo had just started to talk, but at that time there came a sudden knock at the door.

They both looked at each other with surprise showing in each of their eyes. Just before, Su Rui had definitely rushed directly into their room.

Su Rui's voice came from outside the door, "Shi Qing! Come quickly and eat breakfast or you'll be late for your plane!"

Su Rui was talking about being late for the flight that would return them to their home country. Ever since their graduation, except for Shi Qing,they had become very busy people. It was Shi Qing's birthday, so they had taken that hard to come by time off and spent several days simply relaxing by flying to a beautiful Island destination for a vacation.

After playing for two days, they had spent the last night drinking and got extremely intoxicated. At present, it was the morning they should make their return journey. Although Shi Qing was not very busy, Su Rui had an important meeting and Qin Mo had to go back and preside over a major project.

That was also the reason why Su Rui came and pounded on the door so early in the morning. Shi Qing was the least self-disciplined. He would sleep until he woke up naturally, and today it was estimated that would be when the sky was darkening.

Shi Qing instinctually answered, "Okay, okay."

At the same time he complained in his heart, how could you think so wrong of me like that?

He jumped out of bed and got dressed. That time, he also specifically looked at the time, seven fifty-five. That point was not bad.

As he put on his clothes, he looked over at Qin Mo and scolded, "Get up! We only have so much time."

Qin Mo no longer tarried and actually got up.

Shockingly, he directly exited the bed in the nude. Even the blanket just covering his most embarrassing parts had vanished!

He stood there so naturally, displaying his broad chest, strong abs, perfectly long and straight legs. Fuck me, that body, that's the golden ratio!

Shi Qing told his eyes not to sweep around indiscriminately, but even so he could not help looking at a certain region he should not see.

His face went '囧' with embarrassment...that thing, why is it standing up! Furthermore...it's so big! What's up with that completely unscientific size!

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