RAAS chapter 5

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When Shi Qing recalled the task details mentioned before, to be honest, he thought that the task of having the Crown Prince ascend to Emperor was not too difficult.

Although the old emperor was not stupid, he was quite old, and he had been growing increasingly confused over the years. Although Concubine Li was still fairly young, she had still been in the palace for nearly 20 years. She was smart enough, and quite crafty; she was able to coax the Emperor by acting spoiled, but it was still not enough at this point.

Although she has aimed to support her own family, because of various issues, it almost ended up causing more trouble than it was worth. Because his size made him suitable, she reluctantly pulled strings to make her brother the Deputy Head of the Guards—but that position itself is a dead-end, and there was no way to step forward.

Then there was Second Prince Rongxiang, who just turned 20 years old this year, but was still wet behind the ears. Although he was not raised to be a playboy by his mother, he was still full of that impulsive and reckless nature that comes with youth. Under the frequent lecturing by the old Emperor and his mother, he was conscious that although he is young and promising, compared with the Crown Prince, he does not have much to show. However, if he can fight against the Crown Prince, chances are that he would really able to score a big treasure if he was to win.

In the face of such an opponent, as long as the Prince stands firm, does not make any big mistakes, and is not caught by the pigtails; when the old Emperor finally passes away he will be smoothly promoted as the next Emperor.

So, just from this perspective, Shi Qing believed that this task was not too difficult for the novice Qin Mo. It could even be considered a good initial experience.

But! What what the fuck was up with that deadline, ah?

Seven days...a week...to ascend the throne?

Shi Qing laughed helplessly, who knew the Imperial Throne was really of such little value?

Compared to the uproar experienced by the system, Shi Qing, Qin Mo appeared calm and collected. Not only did he accept a task without any delay, but he seemed to have gained a quick comprehension of what was expected of him, and what the task specifically required.

That's right...almost the instant after he finalized the contract, he had already accepted the first task.

Shi Qing just wanted to shout, that man's impulses definitely came from the devil ah! If we cannot finish this task we will definitely be punished!

Unfortunately, his mouth was not as fast as Qin Mo's hands; he did not shout anything, and the two of them passed into the first world...

After being tossed around until he was dizzy, Shi Qing felt like he heard a voice say, "The system will be provided a body free of charge."

Shi Qing thought this was a fortune in the midst of misfortune. Even though the task itself ended up being so deceptive, it was attentive to the point that it sent a body? This was pretty good value!

When he thought of that, he woke up and collapsed.

Now into this damn body! Let's see what a person can get for free, ah!

Wait, why did I become a jade pendant? Who wants to be a rock? Cannot do it!

Shi Qing wanted to let out a wail of despair, when he felt his body surrounded by a large, warm mass. He looked up, and he was right in front of a huge human face...

Crap, that scared this young master!

But immediately, he calmed down again; it was Prince Rongcheng, no...now it was Qin Mo.

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