Raas chapter 16

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Scientists, experimental base, serum antibodies, unique experimental subject detector...and then add in Leng Lin's secretive mood swings.

Everything pointed to one answer.

Shi Qing's words unexpectedly clarified everything for Qin Mo. He had been suspicious before, but he could not be 100% confident. Although he had been through many trials, Leng Lin showed him no cracks in his behaviour. Even though he was suspicious, since there was no evidence it was not prudent to act.

Qin Mo did not expect that his little dagger, Shi Qing, would actually manage to witness Leng Lin's attitude that was rarely known to anyone. That made Qin Mo all the more clear in his thoughts on the situation.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Qing finally finished his long-winded musings and arrived at his main point. Although some of his initial thoughts were slightly off the mark, the last sentence was like a key that immediately opened the locked door. Everything ambiguous was gradually cleared up.

At that moment, Shi Qing was terribly shocked by the way things were turning out. His field of vision was wide, so even though they were separated by five or six meters, he could see Leng Lin at a glance if he so desired.

Shi Qing, merely taking a habitual look back towards Leng Lin, did not expect to be met with an incredible scene once again.

Leng Lin and Li Su were working as a team and the two men seemed to be searching for data on a bookshelf. Li Su was in front and Leng Lin was standing behind him. In that exact moment, Leng Lin took advantage of the fact that Li Su was not paying attention to him. Leng Lin stabbed him with a sharp needle and injected something straight into his neck!

Leng Lin, what was he doing?

Once Shi Qing finally snapped out of it, he quickly poked Qin Mo and shouted, "Li Su is in danger!"

Although he discovered the threat in time, it was already too late.

Li Su suddenly swelled up and his speed increased greatly; he was at least as fast as a cheetah. The object of his attack turned out to be the man standing five meters away, Qin Mo!

Thanks to Shi Qing's warning, Qin Mo was able to react in time. He swiftly dodged to the side and managed to avoid a fatal strike. His heavy leather boots left a dark scuff mark on the bright floor. From from this one spot, it could be seen that he had great speed and strength!

Li Su's offensive barrage did not stop. His friendly demeanour from the past had completely disappeared. His black eyes had been stained crimson, his thin lips were pulled tight, his skin was pale, and he gave off the same cold feeling as a viper.

Within just a few seconds, the two men were fighting hand to hand. Each blow they struck was laced with the intent to kill, utterly merciless!

Standing off to the side, Leng Lin finally removed his disguise. His black eyes looked like blood was pouring in until they were finally dyed a bright red. A vicious sneer crept across his face, and he shot a mocking look at Qin Mo.

The other four team members did not witness all that had transpired, so they did not know why Li Su and Qin Mo were fighting. They were about to ask, but suddenly felt a tingling sensation in their waists and fell unconscious.

Leng Lin watched contemptuously as those four fell to the ground. They were not high enough calibre—he would not waste the original virus on them. After dealing with them, he turned to watch the fight between Li Su and Qin Mo.

These two were both incredibly powerful. Under the influence of the injection Li Su's strength was powered up to the extreme, yet Qin Mo could actually hold up against him. Although there was a gap in power, he was agile, insightful, and always able to escape death's door by dodging cleverly.

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