Raas 69

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Shi Qing had accumulated a smoldering temper, because Qin Mo’s words gave him a shock.

Dizzy! If you don't help, you can forget it. Can you not add fuel to the fire!

So he turned his head and looked at his brother very hard.

The black scorpion of his brother was staring at him. When he was a gentleman, he quickly turned the 'hard-eye' look soft. By the way, he made a mouthful and shouted, so his brother’s eyes Not so scary, just snoring and turning around.

At the moment, it is not a good time to follow the hair. Shi Qing also knows that Ye Xin’s behavior is 80%.

To be honest, he is also very angry.

However, because of Ye Qing’s memory, he thought more.

Because the world is unfair to omega, he can more deeply understand the despair of Ye Xin.

Ye Laozi is a child, but even then, when he gave Ye Xin a marriage, he did not ask Ye Xin, but he found the most suitable, best match, and might be the best for him. He and his old comrades were set up in private, and this was informed by the same Ye Xin.

Ye Xin here, because the old man who is thinking about Lin Su can't agree, he has been trying to pretend to be a good boy these days, thinking that he is so sensible and obedient, he said something like Lin Su, he said It can also accept a higher degree.

But whoever thinks, but it is a counter-effect, Ye Laozi sees Ye Xin so embarrassed, feels that his son is sensible, so he is more careful to pick the 'female girl'.

When he told Ye Xin, this one gave Ye Xin a burst.

Ye Hao Ye Xin also knows that Ye Laozi is not as good as his current life. He did not have a seizure on the spot. He endured a few forbearances and left. In the evening, he ran into Ye Qing’s room and began to panic and unsuccessful.

Omega and alpha can be quite different. Alpha has the ability to have multiple omegas in a lifetime, but omega can only have one person in a lifetime. As long as it is marked, it will be a lifetime, and his body will always carry this alpha flavor. Even if he was abandoned, he was thrown away and lost. He was still marked as a person. He still belonged to the alpha that marked him until he died.

Ye Xin knows that the artist who Ye found him to give him the alpha, the character will certainly not be so bad, if he has no one in his heart, marrying and adapting to the days will be very good.

But this is no longer possible. He has people he likes. He likes Lin Su. For so many years, he has no way to put this feeling down. If you can't let go, you can only bring it, but it is an insult to the alpha to marry someone.

Alpha is born with pride. If you let him know that Ye Xin has another person in his heart, even if he wants to be good at Ye Xin at first, he will slowly become qualitative. And Ye Xin knows her own temper, and she is never a good person. When it is time, it is a dead end.

Not only did Ye Xin’s own life be ruined for the rest of his life, but it even affected the long-standing relationship between Ye Jia and Gu Jia.

Really fallen into that situation, both of them have committed evil, then he will certainly be driven out of the family, a marked omega has been abandoned, and even will flow to the dirty windy place...

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