Raas chapter 10

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Shi Qing was half a beat behind in understanding Qin Mo's question; why did he go along with him back to his world? Indeed, although it was necessary for Qin Mo to leave the system space, it was not necessary for him, the system. He could remain in the system space, with absolutely no need to go into the jade pendant and accompany Qin Mo.

His first thought in that moment was to follow Qin Mo—why was that? After Shi Qing pondered for a moment, he spit out the truth, "I was afraid you would be in an accident."

"En?" Qin Mo kept his eyes closed, and gave off the impression that he was waiting for Shi Qing to continue speaking.

Not wanting to disappoint those expectations, Shi Qing explained further, "...If you die, I have to stay here alone for five hundred years."

Shi Qing's mouth moved before his brain had a chance to weigh the consequences...he wanted to slap himself in the face so badly! Shi Qing was filled with regret; once again he had missed the opportunity to leave a favourable impression with his words. He should totally have sympathized with Qin Mo, and expressed his feelings of indignation and concern. Then he could try his best to enter that psychopath's heart and strive to be friends with him.

But look, what did he actually say? Without thinking, he just blurted out what was truly in his heart. He could not be more frustrated...

While Shi Qing was caught up with being upset, Qin Mo suddenly opened his eyes. He stared at the black mist floating in front of him, and the corner of his lips rose up, revealing a very shallow smile. He whispered, "En, I know."

Shi Qing watched Qin Mo's reaction carefully, and was unable to make any sense of the matter; why did this guy seem like he was in such a cheerful mood? What did he have to be happy about? He had just been tortured so miserably, and yet now he was actually laughing—what did this mean? He really was abstruse!

Although Shi Qing would like to say more, and even had a whole speech ready, Qin Mo once again closed his eyes, and exuded a 'do no disturb' type of feeling. Shi Qing could read the atmosphere, so he took the words that were trying to stumble out of his mouth and swallowed them back down.

However, that did not mean that his mind was also silent. They had been so busy that there was no leisure time to think, but now that he had time to spare, he carefully sorted through his memories of Qin Mo from the past few days. When good luck had come, he had quickly taken advantage of it. In spite of everything, he was able to produce excellent results quickly.

Qin Mo seemed to prefer when he spoke the truth? Even if the words he spoke with sincerity were unpleasant to hear or offensive...

Oh...he muttered to himself for a while, and thought that he may have touched on the tail end of the truth . As for how he would adhere to being honest, Shi Qing spent half a day mulling it over in order to arrive at a conclusion. Qin Mo attached great importance to honesty, so he would take him seriously. If he tried too hard it may be difficult to remain sincere, so it seemed like allowing things to develop naturally was the most reasonable choice.

When all was said and done, there was a sense of estrangement of the heart between Shi Qing and Qin Mo. Although Qin Mo's experiences predominantly consisted of bitter hardships, at the same time his hands were also stained with blood. Under normal circumstances, when faced with this kind of 'monster', Shi Qing absolutely would not want to have any contact. However, in their current situation, they were forcibly tied together and would not be able to avoid one another. Shi Qing was not a turtle that would hide in its shell; he hoped to establish a harmonious and safely cooperative relationship with Qin Mo.

He thought their first mission would be very difficult, but it had, in fact, been finished almost effortlessly. At least the two men had experienced this mission together; it could be regarded as something pleasant, right? All of a sudden, he was able to comprehend Qin Mo's 'preference' for honesty, and he felt more relaxed. He could just be himself in front of Qin Mo, and there should not be any problems.

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