Raas chapter 12

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In fact, Shi Qing still underestimated the possible outcomes to his situation. When he woke up from passing through the vortex, he was greeted with a decayed, rotten face. It smelled putrid, and to top it all off, the eyeballs were actually falling out.

As he had recalled earlier, classmate Shi Qing could be considered a coward. He could hardly bring himself to glance at the TV screen when Resident Evil was playing. Even so, he was subject to many sleepless nights for the little he did see. However, at this moment he was currently faced with a three-dimensional, ultra-close-range, high-definition view of his nightmares. He could only manage to think—what the fuck was this sorcery?!

In that moment, something that he was even more incapable of comprehending happened. He was unable to control his own body, and flew straight toward this stereotypical zombie face. He slammed straight into the forehead before him with a sickening crunch, and was inundated with flesh and blood, a pungent odour, and a general sensation of stickiness. What was this? Was this...it must be the brain!

...It was a rotten brain, and he was actually touching it.

QAQ...let people live!

After he paused for a few seconds, he felt his body turn around and hit something as hard as a rock, and he crushed it. He finally broke away from the oppression of that disgusting place, and was able to breathe the fresh air.

When Shi Qing gasped for air, he finally figured it out.

His free body turned out to be a dagger! Even better, he had just exploded a zombie's head! He should feel honoured, ha, ha!

The thing that left him speechless was that he was not being wielded by Qin Mo. Rather, he belonged to a military officer guarding the scientist Leng Lin.

The name of the officer was Li Su, and he had the rank of colonel. He was remarkably brave and fierce at fighting; he had killed more zombies than Shi Qing could imagine. More importantly, he was good at using a variety of weapons. Whether it was a firearm, a knife or a dagger—all were good. Even a fruit knife could be used to great effect.

Today's situation arose because ammunition was precious, and for that reason it was saved for desperate situations. This was why Li Su pulled out a dagger to deal with the zombie instead of a gun. Shi Qing was able to join him just in time to pierce through the zombie's rotten forehead...

As the fighting continued, Li Su did not know that his dagger has been possessed by a coward.

Once he understood his current circumstances, Shi Qing's tears flowed like a river. He should never have abandoned the jade as his body. Compared with Li Su's dagger, being Qin Mo's jade pendant was good, very good—could not be better!

He really did not want to get intimately acquainted with those 'beloved buddies', but he still found himself being thrust into their brains. Although he was a dagger, he still felt himself growing nauseated to the point that he might retch if he could.

At this time, a zombie rushed over with several loops of intestine hanging out. When he looked straight at him, his heart was enveloped with fear, and he felt even more nauseated. If not for his excellent willpower, he would have disregarded his situation and started yelling long ago.

Li Su responded swiftly and violently. He leaped sideways to evade the incoming attack, turned around, raised his hand, and in one fluid motion he stabbed the zombie through the forehead. Unlike the first time this had happened, Shi Qing was subjected to more than just the disgusting smell of putrefaction. This time he saw the skin ulcers and tumbling maggots lurking within the body. Just as he almost could not help but want to scream, a deafening gunshot rang out, and a meteor-like bullet streaked in front of his body, and entered the zombie's skull with no resistance.

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