Raas 77

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Shi Qingyi smiled and quickly shifted the topic: "I just received the prompt of the main line task, and this will be sent to you."

System Tip: The clues are collected, the main line mission goal - to get the omega spirit activation agent.

This reminder was received as early as when he had not read the file yet, but at that time he did not understand what it meant. When he listened to Qin Mo, he finally understood it.

Time source, the father of Shiyun and Shiqing, was madly chased by the omega association, not only because of the invention of omega potent inhibitors, but more importantly, the more transformative in the later period. experiment.

That is, the development of omega spirit activation drugs.

As the name implies, this is a drug applied to omega, the effect is to activate the potential mental power of each omega, this ability has been recorded in a very early and early ancient books.

At that time, the number of omega and alpha was balanced. Both birth rate and survival rate were comparable. It was a prosperous era. Every alpha can find its own omega, and each omega can also find its favorite ones. Alpha.

It is a normal, harmonious, positive society, contrary to the current vicious cycle of malformation.

Time has discovered these hisories. He spent decades collecting data to find the point where he could maintain balance, and then he discovered the power hidden in the body of the omega.

The Creator is fair, and there is no preference for who, omega does not have a strong body, but they have a power of their own, a powerful unspeakable spiritual power.

They can influence others with their own thinking, and even control others.

This is a powerful ability, full of mystery and unknownness.

With extraordinary ability, a career will be brewed. The perfect harmony is gradually broken, that is, from the age of 2,000 years ago, some ambitious omegas have become the masters of the world by virtue of this power. They enslaved the alpha, like the dolls and slaves, and they are comfortable.

It was a blank history that was completely erased by today's society and could not be said to be extremely humiliating or even imaginable.

Losing balance will create an inevitable tragedy.

The ambition of the ambition of the omega madness completely aroused the public anger, and alpha fought back, they slaughtered omega and opened up hundreds of years of dark war.

In the end, omega failed, their spiritual strength was always asleep, and they were marked with eternity.

As long as the omega is marked, you can never betray alpha.

This is the revenge of alpha, they subverted the rule of an abyss, but gradually stepped into another country of hell.

An era where omega can't survive.

Time source saw this. He didn't want to make omega strong again to rule the world. He just wanted omega to gain his own power and balance this still deformed society.

Omega will be marked and they will always belong to their own alpha.

But if omega gains spiritual strength, can he still retain his alpha forever.

They are each other's needs, no one is dependent, you have helped me, I have redeemed you, and the world will be on the right track.

Time source does not know, but he believes that this is a road of hope.

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