Part 2

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Chapter 2

I wish the first shift was an end to it but no, the first shift was simply the first of many hurdles and shockingly when I came to them they all appeared higher than that first hurdle. A first shift did mean there would be a second but as before it could not be predicted or brought on. I was actually very lucky to experience my first shift so easily, generally the boys spent months experiencing a sort of half shift that abruptly and inexplicably halted until eventually they finally would fully shift.that was when the fun stuff began. Initially the shifts came pretty much when they felt like it and we were incapable of control, although a usual trigger was strong emotional response. That seemed to suggest that my shifts would take considerably longer for me to learn to control than it had taken Derek who seemed to express the emotional range of a teaspoon, whereas I'd been known to explode when our fridge was out of diet cola, but its one of the perks of being a girl (well in a community of so few girls) we're expected to be emotional .once we were able to suppress our emotional responses rather than be a slave to them that we became able to control our shifts to call them up at will and prevent them at inconvenient times. So I suppose we are were-wolves although not in the sense that most people seemed to think of them when we shifted we kept our sense of self the moon and night held no sway, we were more shape shifters who simply were only able to take the form of a wolf. When our shifts did begin we of the pack were then faced with two choices learn to control them or allow them to control you. The latter of course led to problems as no control over yourself came that way. So that individual would have to be expelled from the pack if they allowed their shifts to rage. This is basically banishment; they are to leave our lands and would not be permitted to reside in any other. This is necessary as we police our own and generally try to keep a low profile those with no control who could suddenly sprout fur and fangs when they encounter a long queue at the post office doesn't help with this anonymity. Darius' pack territory encompasses several cities towns and stretches across aspects of three counties oblivious to any geographical or man made divisions. Bordered by three other packs but historically wolves don't play nice with each other so we have a wide 'neutral' zone between all the packs. These zones are safe areas where any pack wolf as well as rogues (expelled wolves) can roam. Rogues are only dealt with if they again wander back into pack territory and begin making trouble that generally means drawing attention to our existence, that's where Derek and his fellow enforcers come in.

My first shift was followed by a humiliating week where I was left in the cage. Which is exactly what it sounds like it's a large cage in the windowless basement equipped with a toilet, sink and a bed. I was placed in there when unconscious which is traditional for one who begins to shift uncontrollably, however I was left there for a week as a punishment for failing to return to the house after I began my first shift (which is a mandatory precaution until we mastered control to we returned to the cage for the duration of our shifts to stop us accidentally killing somebody and apparently for our own safety too). It was also probably also a little to do with my less pleasant behaviours when I was in the cage. As soon as I opened my eyes I was harshly addressed by Darius who was stood beyond the silver bars glaring at me, and I had endure a sever dressing down from him, which concluded in him deciding that I should remain there for a while 'to think'. Erm it was then that I went against my better judgement and erm said what I was thinking which is never a good idea, Darius didn't respond of course except for a small muscle twitching in his cheek, but I knew that I would be given a little more time to think. Derek came to sit with me frequently; thankfully on his first visit he brought me a set of clothes. In the course of my shift I had of course ripped all my clothes I was placed in the cage naked except for one item a long platinum chain that hung around my neck supporting a purple crystal that nestled into my breasts. Derek's words were as ever perfectly considered and he never attempted to repeat or even mention our kiss, although granted that would be difficult with the silver bars separating us (we could touch silver for a while but the experience is unpleasant). Derek himself has long thin burn marks one across his neck and on his chest where a rogue burned him with a silver chain he'd acquired. Jamie also come down to sympathise though my loud growls generally sent him running he was sixteen and I think I was the object of a small crush but in a sweet idle sort of way. Aside from Derek Jamie was my best friend although he actually was generally referred to as being my 'pet'. As he was one of the very few gifted enough to become part of the pack without having been born into it, and we all knew that was because of me. Jamie was a rogue born out of the pack he had wondered into pack territory when he was just fourteen years old (two years ago when I was sixteen) he had been captured by the enforcers which meant he was brought back to endure the 'packs justice' he had killed humans so was facing death. But I'd stepped in and appealed to Darius. Jamie had to work hard but the boys had learnt to accept him and now they trusted him with their lives as pack brothers should. He had acquired a fair degree of control but he did occasionally shift but as he was so mild mannered and meek his shifts were mainly triggered by fear. Dean, Carl and Roger also came to visit at different times during the week to simultaneously congratulate me on my first shift or invite me to remove my bra. My Pack brothers ranged in ages from sixteen year old Jamie to Roger who was twenty four, the rest of the pack were proper 'grown ups'.

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