Part 33

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Chapter 33

Five weeks later

"Anther rough night?" Ashton asked lightly as I slid into my usual seat next to him yawning as he pushed a large hot chocolate towards me.

"No I good night a rough morning" I said taking a large swig. "Oh I fucking love you." I muttered as soon as I tasked the thick sweet liquid.

"So you made first class today."

"I haven't ditched that many." I said blandly,

"You've ditched too many." He cautioned "your way too smart to just be Failing." I shrugged

"Makes no difference in the end whatever my grades I'm going to end up back home doing property law." I snarled blandly.

"Oh is that why you're hiding and really embracing student life." I gave Ashton a light smile before I pulled out my notepads, as thankfully the tutor entered. He was right of course he had been ever since he had grown in confidence enough to start voicing an opinion on the matter. Which had been quite a recent development, but he was completely right. Over the last five weeks I had really begun embracing student life, the dimension I was currently experiencing involved ditching class, drinking and casual fucking, well it should have involved casual fucking but I just couldn't. I found it easy to attract guys, fun to fool around with but I just could knowing how it would feel to Derek I couldn't I didn't hate him I didn't want to hurt him. So I embraced the rest and just went home alone . Jamie knew what I was doing of course but he didn't ask why he didn't seem to want to know and to be honest I don't think I could have explained it Derek didn't seem to like my new student lifestyle as he began calling constantly which of course I began screening, so he started leaving very loud messages on my answer phone, which ranged from pleading me to stop because he loved me so much to threats that if I didn't stop it he would come and drag me back home by my hair, I know which I preferred to hear. I don't know what exactly he was objecting to maybe he actually experienced something from me fooling around a little with a few guys or it could have been the girls introducing me to Jonathan who introduced me to LSD. It wasn't something I had ever planned on but I was rather drunk and pretty much at moment thought why not. This I found blanked my mind out a lot more effectively that alcohol and actually rather than just numbing my link to Derek actually made me rather pleased about the whole situation. Jonathan was pretty small time though, just trying to pay his way through university. despite my recreational drug use I still managed to say no to all the really hard stuff but I did experiment with some of the others, loving the numb disconnection from reality these produced at least temporarily anyway as my metabolism flushed them out rather quickly. Jamie knew what I was up too of course but didn't tell, which was one reason I kept my semblance of self-control which I think was part of the reason we didn't get dragged home but was mainly because I knew what he was up too as well. He still came with me on every night out his eyes silently disapproving every time I got drunk or made out with a guy, he approved of the drugs even less and had several times picked me up and just carried me home when he felt I was losing my control. Jamie agrees to let us skip the last month's annual meet. I had suggested it being in no hurry whatsoever to get home, but hadn't believed for one second that Jamie would agree to it. He had though he didn't want to be away from Emily and I didn't want to be near Derek. In the last month he and Emily became really close 'as friends' I had met her once and the look in her eyes when she looked at him made it clear she was as besotted as he was, but of course the age difference made her parents seriously disapprove so they were left being friends for now anyway. I don't know how long that would last as he and Emily were both taking part in the college production (which I was expressly banned from attending) and so were spending a lot of time together and as the days went on Jamie looked more and more like an advert for toothpaste. I know the thought of him going home even for a few days the idea of being away from her tormented him, so we made up some stories about projects and commitments we had here and called Darius not expecting much but to my amusement he had instantly agreed.

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