Part 12

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Chapter 12

I eased myself out of Derek's arms just after dawn I'd woken up and instantly seemed to realise what I was doing which made me simply feel like a bitch. I sighed and walked down to the kitchen surprised to find the light already on as I entered.

"Morning little one." Roger said cheerfully from beside the counter.

"What are you doing up?" Roger smiled,

"I have a thing called a Job little one and they expect me to go there everyday."

"Smart ass." I snapped leaning into the fridge to snag the orange juice.

"Where's Derek anyway?" he asked eyeing my outfit significantly (I hadn't dressed any further so was still wearing just One of Derek's oversized t-shirt and a pair of boxer shorts) "the two of you disappeared pretty quickly last night." I shot him an intense glare which seemed to merely amuse him as he smiled and held out a glass.

"I was tired." I said simply,

"No doubt but all I'm pointing out is that you smell just like Derek." He said with a smile finishing the final swig of his coffee before leaning over to lightly kiss my forehead, "so you should take a shower." I giggled "see you later little one." I smiled at him as he strode quickly from the kitchen he was far too happy for this time in the morning it was unnatural. I rubbed a hand though my hair the silence in the whole house seeming oppressive. I froze in horror as my action caused Derek's scent which lingered in my hair to wash over me. I bit my lip as the words Derek had whispered into my hair as I hovered in the place near sleep. I shook my head tying to push these images away for some reason the nights I had spent wrapped up in Derek arms made me feel that I was deceiving him leading him on more than our intense fumbling sessions ever did. I knew that I didn't feel for Derek the way he felt for me and in those moments I was simply overcome by a lust I couldn't control hormones just seemed to over ride common sense, which I don't believe I should feel guilty about the guys are always thinking with their downstairs brain ! but tasking him to my room sleeping in the same bed as him wrapping my arms around him, holding him while he slept that wasn't an irrational act and it wasn't something I did with everyone else I knew that, and so did Derek what was I doing to him? Claiming I didn't want to lead him on yet Darius was right I was I just couldn't seem to stop it. I growled at myself,

"Clarity." I groaned "that's what I need some clarity." and easily the answer came to me I couldn't deal with Derek so instead I needed something I could deal with. I smiled placidly as I walked though the silent house to my office. As soon as I opened the door I squealed feeling as if I was having a heart attack as my eyes took in what I was seeing. My files where spread across the floor over the desk. Papers scattered blue incident colour codes mixed with pink and orange time codes mixed with red and yellow.

"No, no, no no, no." I muttered "Darius what the hell did you do." I sighed and suddenly realised that this was a good thing what I needed was clarity the way I got clarity was by doing something simple something that involves procedure something systematic, hence sorting my office this was perfect. I sighed and walked into the office and settling myself down cross legged on the floor and began reorganizing my papers. "How could you not get the system its simple." I grumbled under my breath as I twisted the next loose sheet of paper so I could clearly see all the three colour codes.

"Hey Beautiful." I turned and smiled at Derek who was stood in the doorway a coffee cup in his hand. He retuned the smile but in a half hearted way he looked a little upset?

"You're up early." I said rubbing a hand across my forehead. Derek honestly smiled, "what?"

"Honey it's um 2pm."

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