Part 44

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Chapter 44

"Jess. Do we need any tomato's?"

"Huh?" I said thickly,

"Tomato's." he elaborated lifting the bag up in front of me. I wrinkled my nose up,


"Tomato's." Ashton said shaking the bag "do we need any?"

"Um?" Ashton sighed and dropped the bag into our trolley, a safe bet we pretty much always needed everything food wise.

"What is up with you today?" He asked retrieving the trolley.

"nothing." I snapped swinging my head searching behind us even though I was pretty sure that we weren't being followed.

"You've been bloody away with the pixies all day." I snorted "anything to do with that GUY." I snapped round on instinct.

"No." I snapped too quickly to be totally believed.

"Whatever you say." Ashton said passively turning into the biscuit aisle. "Chocolate digestives or bourbons?"

"Huh?" I said thickly.

"Oh for gods sake." He said flinging both into the trolley (that's my clever boy). "Its bloody important if it's distracting you from biscuit selection."

"Huh?" I said swinging my head back to face him; Ashton just rolled his eyes,

"nothing." he said wearily.

"What time is it?" I asked

"5.45" Ashton said looking at his watch, "why you have somewhere to be?"

"I think I have to be somewhere else." I said dreamily.

"Right." Ashton said clearly not having a clue what I was talking abut but to tired to argue. I frowned at the trolley,

"I can't leave you with all this to do." Aston frowned,

"With the mood your in your about as helpful as a porcupine in a condom factory." I snorted a laugh. "Go." He said giving me a little push, "what do I tell Jamie?"

"Oh don't." I said sternly "I'll be back before he is. And erm... if I'm not send me a text and I'll erm sneak back in. can you tell him that I'm in bed." I finished hopefully. Ashton smiled,

"You share a room."

"Damn." I snapped as Ashton laughed,

"Okay I'll be back before him." I said holding my arms up in mock surrender.

"But Jess." I froze for just a moment clutching the amethyst pendant that hung around my neck.

"Do me another favour?" I asked quietly, not waiting for a reply I pulled the chain over my head and placed the pendant in his hand. "Guard this with your life." I said closing his hand around it."

"But Jess." He mumbled looking thoroughly baffled.

"I'll see you later." I said brightly leaning over to press a quick kiss onto his forehead before I scampered away quickly as Ashton stood gawking at me blankly.

As I rushed out of the supermarket, I was dazzled by the glowing orange streetlights. I tugged my coat around myself tighter as the persistent heavy rain fell around me. I sighed unsure why I was doing this at all, but I decided not to analyse this thought too deeply and instead just broke out into a swift walk. I had a general idea of were I was going I had quickly peeked at Google maps and so I knew roughly where this building was although it did seem to be part of a more industrial region, containing mainly commercial businesses and factories. As I moved in the right general direction, I slowly began to get the vague uneasy sensation that I was being watched. I kept casting discrete glances over my shoulder but didn't see anything but the dark damp night though I wasn't altogether surprised by that. I shivered and told myself it was due to the cold as I reached Corsell road and began looking for a number as I strode down the wide empty road.

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